twenty six

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Christmas in California was never anything spectacular growing up. The weather is a warm seventy degrees and the sun is always shining. Since I lived in Inglewood my entire life, I didn't know any different.

Every Christmas movie is filled with blizzards and people wearing jackets and hats. In California, you can't decipher the difference between December and July. Even though I'm usually relaxing in my backyard, weather and heat never defined Christmas for me.

The holiday is about spending time with your loved ones and appreciating the small things in life. This year I have a lot to take in and be grateful for. Being back in California after the week of hell we experienced in New York was refreshing and gave us all some space.

Obviously I never met my parents for breakfast the day after my birthday. They wanted to stay in the city with me, but I told them they could head home and take care of their own lives.

There was a lot of negative and dark energy around all of us that next day, and my parents didn't need to be around to witness it.

Needless to say, they weren't happy to hear the news. They warned me to be safe, and I was the opposite of safe that night. Ever since I've been home, they've been keeping a close eye on me, especially yesterday and today.

After opening gifts by the Christmas tree, we sit around and watch It's A Wonderful Life, which is a December 25th tradition in our household. Mom always said the title described our own life, because it was so 'wonderful.'

Now, my own personal movie should be called It's A Nightmare. None of us have spoken since putting the film on, and I can feel some uneasy energy in the room.

"Thank you guys for the new song book, I can't wait to work on some music." I break the silence in our living room by looking at my new present. A shiny blue songbook with my name engraved on the front.

"Oh, you're welcome, honey." Mom weakly grins before taking a sip of her tea.

I clear my throat and nod, feeling the awkward tension in the air multiply. They're still upset about the car accident, not that I really blame them, but they shouldn't take their anger out by ignoring me.

"We're glad that you're home, Avery. The tour was starting to be overwhelming." Dad says while munching on some Christmas cookies Mom baked last night.

"Yeah, it's nice to have a few days off." I nod in agreement.

"You shouldn't even go back on the road." Mom adds some commentary.

"Well, I have to. I signed a contract and have fans I can't disappoint." I look back at her and sigh.

"You call those people fans? The ones that always mob you and invade your privacy?" Mom scoffs at the thought.

"Yes because no matter what, they're still my fans." I lean back on the couch and gulp.

"It's a little ridiculous, in my opinion." Dad states.

"I'm happy that you're living your dreams, but this is all starting to become too much." She shakes her head.

"Trust me, I get it, but that's the way it is when you become famous. I have a large following now." I try to explain as nicely as I can.

"I think it would be different if you were completely on your own. Being with the boys is starting to take a toll on you." Dad sighs while glancing at me through his thick glasses. "The car accident was simply-"

"I said I didn't want to talk about it anymore." I loudly groan.

"I know, but you were in that same vehicle an hour earlier with Grayson. You're lucky you didn't crash." He goes back at me.

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