A new year

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The first month of recess ended and Tom was training with his colleagues, at this time he was in his apartment, his tutor bought him new clothes and he was trying them on. He thanked him for the gifts and asked how he was, his tutor looked at him in surprise and said: "I'm fine, and how were you these days?"
It was the first time that Tom asked him something, he usually only answered and they did not have what could be called a conversation, he felt sorry for the boy, cared for at the request of a friend, who participated in the rescue operation on that planet where he came from. the boy. One of the things that bothered him was that he could not take care of him properly, due to his status in the army, he could only provide him with the elements to live, although most of the money came from the state, his friend gave him enough to allow him some luxuries, it seemed that due to his upbringing or the situation in which he lived, he had only learned to live with what was just, so when he asked for the bracelet he was happy because at that moment he behaved like a normal child. He was supposed to receive psychological treatment once a week, knew the progress he had made, and how good it made him make friends. right now he could see a glimmer of life in his eyes and this made him happy.
- well, it's time, if you need something do not hesitate to send me a message.
- if yes, can I ask you something?
- Yes of course.
- I heard from my classmates that it seems that something will happen with the creatures. Do you know anything about that?
- Jo, it seems that some of your friends are from some family with quite a level, hmm, I know what it is, but I will not tell you, it will surprise you when it happens, take good care of it. well I gotta go be careful
- Okay, thanks for everything.
As he was saying goodbye his tutor touched his head and left. Although he wanted to know what would happen, as he replied that it would be interesting, he decided to wait and see.

after training, he was touring the city with his companions. While they were chatting on a hill, Tom looked up at the sky and noticed something strange. it seemed that space was deforming in one sector and at the same time he had an extreme feeling of danger, the others also noticed it. Aiden who always seemed to be prepared for everything was horrified was the same expression that the others had. Tom, who had already faced life and death situations, entered a state of alert, he felt that there was no place in the universe where they could be safe, it was as if he were falling into the void without knowing at what moment he would hit the bottom, "we are dead" thought.
He got up and wanted to run immediately, but he looked back and saw his friends, it was the first time he thought of them under that title, and he realized how important this word was. He turned around and screamed
-Get up we have to go home!
They stared at him in a daze and rose awkwardly from the ground and the next moment ran into the city.
When they got inside, the feeling had disappeared, it was the most hopeless ten minutes they had suffered in the few years they had been alive, they stopped at that moment and fell to their knees or back to the ground, there were many people in the same situation, As he breathed heavily and tried to calm himself, Tom noticed that most who were just like him were gifted, those who had no gifts were also scared, but his intuition told him that the gifted suffered more intensely. This lasted for half an hour, for half an hour the city stopped completely.
They separated about 15 minutes later, they did not say goodbye verbally but their looks said it all.
When she got home Tom went to bed and wrapped himself between her sheets. He did not realize that Drako was not by his side and over time he fell asleep.
Had a dream. He was running desperately, his guardian was at his side, and told him not to stop, he was more agile than he, with his canine shape and metallic skeleton you could see that he was a robot. He would go forward and crash into those things that were trying to take Tom.
He was heading towards the destroyed ship to seek refuge.
I hear a voice that missed screaming his name, amid the hum and chaos of the explosions, he stopped to look where the scream came from. Someone pushed him aside and looked in the direction he felt the blow, a flash, and sudden heat covering his vision.
Everything went dark, he felt tears running down his face and wetting the pillow. When he woke up he discovered that he slept too much and it was already noon, he fed himself and opened the networks, there was still no official news about what happened yesterday. But people were talking, it seemed like the incident happened in some human colonies and people were commenting that they suddenly "remembered" that something like this had happened a few hundred years ago. This was strange since until the event there was no record that something like this had happened, and as if by magic a few hours after reading this, news appeared that it had happened.

"So did it happen or not?"
It was strange as if the story was trying to correct itself. Other things were happening too but I couldn't understand what the adults were explaining.
He received a message from his tutor asking how he was, he replied that he was fine now, not to worry. The latter commented that he should stay in the apartment for a few days. His friends also asked the same question and also pointed out that Drako was not there and did not answer the call or find him in his virtual space. It was the same for all tamers and you could not enter the virtual world of creatures. He remembered that something surprising was supposed to happen with the beasts, he did not believe it was that. It was too horrible if they were to disappear because of the day before. And so somewhat nervous two days passed, that afternoon the virtual world of creatures was accessed. Before this event, you could observe and travel the world whenever you wanted. Now all that could be seen as a programming language mixed with polygonal figures in an almost psychedelic way. As he suspected, his friends told him that this had nothing to do with what had to happen, but his parents did not tell them anything else about the matter.

And so last month began and ended in a row, the rulers of the sky, who were one of the original species of Vyndra arrived at the Colony, literally accompanied by intense gusts of wind.
They considered themselves guardians of the planet and were investigating what happened the event that affected the continuity of the recorded space-time of the planet which should not be possible.
Tom felt somewhat helpless for not understanding these things, he did not want to find himself in a situation where he did not understand anything of what was happening, so together with the increase in the intensity of his training, he began to study.
The recess ended, the new school year began and Drako and his world have not returned yet.
They no longer wore casual clothes, now they used uniforms prepared by the center, one to identify the center where they came from and the other with which it would be more comfortable to train, from this year the competition between gifted teams will be more motivated. The center would intensely train them to become elites.

 Part of the stimulus to compete would be access to certain elements that would improve the body and mind, therefore a more than substantial and qualitative improvement in the ability of the gifted

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 Part of the stimulus to compete would be access to certain elements that would improve the body and mind, therefore a more than substantial and qualitative improvement in the ability of the gifted.
He did not know if he should try hard in the competition since he also did not know what he wanted to do after graduation, he had the intention of taking the data from the memory of his guardian, maybe repair it, but after that, he had no idea ...

It was expected that the gifted would enter some of the law enforcement agencies within the colonies, as depending on the subject they can be considered weapons of mass destruction, they had strong control over them, and the other intelligent species would also not allow such beings to walk free. by vyndra, and this does not mean that only humans had beings of this caliber, but that the other four species also have their equivalents.

She knew that both Aiden and Adolf would join the army, one would follow in the footsteps of his family and the other for now was more than anything a dream, it was still about 6 years to define himself, Sarah told him that he would wait to see what happens in the future and that now I just wanted to learn everything I wanted. Maybe first it would be better to focus on the competitions and maybe winning would be a good goal for now. None spoke about the creatures there was nothing they could do about it ...

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