The tournament

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Tom investigated what exactly these elements that improve the body consist of, apparently, they were a drink of nubots, which works to improve and cleanse the human body, unlike those that are used to access augmented reality, these are completely integrated into the body once they improve it it's a pretty painful process.

After knowing this, he was somewhat reluctant to ever take them, at the moment he did not share this thought with his classmates since during this time he observed that not only they but the rest of the children were quite eager to get them, some even seemed desperate.

On the planet where Tom came from, there was no economic system of buying and selling, everything was managed through exchanges, this was because there were not enough survivors to the unfortunate descent to the planet, after the fierce combat that took place when they arrived. the same. So I was not aware of the limitations that

It could have a citizen of the colonies, the economic level determined many things, and especially among the gifted, there was fierce competition for improvements since being stronger the more possibilities that would be presented to them in the future.

Leuel was the captain of his team, the people around him instinctively followed him, he was always surrounded by people, and he had a good character, always correct and patient, he, unlike the others, did not have a creature. He used to say that this was because it would distract him from his training, his family was quite large and if his economic level helped them subsist within reason, even his older brothers, despite not living with them anymore, still contribute money to their family and thanks to He did some tastes from time to time, despite his tender age, just by seeing his older brothers and parents work so hard and he began to have the idea and the desire to be the one who can give his family a better life...

Not all humans were born with the gift, and when he manifested it his parents were proud and he felt that he could make his wish come true.

Since the competition started, he was more concentrated than ever, his teammates did everything possible to keep up with him, they understood the situation he was in and, in addition to that, they wanted to be one of the best teams until his graduation so they could continue together on their way to a better life.

It was an elimination tournament, there were a total of 16 teams, so to reach the final they needed to win 4 matches. Leuel's team successfully made it to the third match. They fought once a week, so they would have the rest of the time to study their opponent and stick with the school schedule.

- And what do we know about the next one? - Team asked Leuel.

- Well, they organize quite well, and from what they said I heard one is a returnee.

- Seriously?

- Yes, well those of his class did not want to let go, in which his ability was different and at the moment, it can only be said that he still cannot return the objects that enter his domain.

- Ahh. Mmm, well something else?

- Not much is quite balanced.

- It seems that it will not be much different from the other two teams then.

- If we will crush them. Let's go back to training.

- Ok! - they all said at the same time.

Tom was having lunch with his friends while reading the schedule of the new course that he added a few weeks after the arrival of the creatures.

- You know ... now that I think about it, why don't we ask if we can use Drako and the others in the tournament?

- Eh? - exclaimed the 3 at the same time.

- Well, they did not say that it could not, and no rule prohibits it, after all, reading this, it seems that is what they expect.

- It's not a bad idea. - Sarah said the last few months she had led and lately she was teaching Tom things she did not understand.- Well it is as you say my father told me the same thing

- Well, I was practicing at home my mother got a permit to use her skills at home.

"Oh, that's great, you think I can go to your house to practice," Adolf asked Aiden.

- Yes, I think there is no problem, I will still ask

- Adolf that you could find out about the other team.

- Well I could see their first fight and the rest was also the same, they are quite aggressive and their leader can repel human bodies.

- Mmm. Then you have good control.

- If many were surprised, it seems that it is quite complicated at our age to do so.

- Mmm ... so I have an idea I think it's time to use our secret weapon, so ...

After their tactical session, they went to the staff room.

- So is it possible?

- It is certainly not prohibited, but I do not know how the other teams will take it ... it is okay to do it.

- Seriously?

- Yes, well, go back to your classroom and the next class will begin.

- As the children went out, another teacher commented.

- It was time for someone to ask the question.

- Yes, let's see how they will take advantage of it, although it is complicated.

- Well, I think other children are thinking about the same thing.

- How would you use it?

- I would treat it as a special ability like in those comics. It would be troublesome adding them to the team right now.

- Mmm ... you're right.

After the school day was over, they received permission from Aiden's parents and went home to do some tests.

- It will be difficult to add them from the beginning

Sarah said, they were testing formations but it was difficult to coordinate with the creatures. After deliberating for a while. Each one went home.

Drako was already able to speak so he was conversing with him, every time he spoke to him Tom noticed that it was no different than doing it with his friends. He discovered that there were things that he did not like and that while he was online he learned and studied a lot.

- I think that girl was right.

- If I was also thinking the same thing, maybe later we could find ways to integrate them better into the team, Sarah is very smart.

- You thought about adopting another creature, it would be more fun for me, you can't be with me much anyway. I also think it will be of help later.

Tom has been evaluating this for the past few weeks, it would be a way that Drako could be in shape as well, and it was still missing for her body to evolve, and how this process could take a long time. in the meantime, it would be nice to have someone with him.

- when do you think you will evolve?

- in a few weeks, it is most likely.

- it's good, maybe you can participate in the final then

- I hope so - Drako said proudly

- what do you want to do now?

- I think I will simulate how I can help you if you want something to talk to me

- it's okay.

After this Drako returned to the bracelet. When he got to his apartment Tom started training again, this time he was trying to lift himself into the air.

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