Chapter 25: Lion

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I feel like someone will curse me in the comments. Thank you for 1k votes, I appreciate it guys! Here's a double update to celebrate.



"Do you like me?" I asks, she solemnly looked at me, "Because if not? I'll stop all of this." I said, eyes are hoping she will say she liked me too. She just looked at me and silence filled the four corners of the room.

I waited.

and waited.

She's not giving me any answers as I looked at her.

We're both staring at each other in silence and it broke me when she looked down, looking apologetic.

Is that her answer?

I felt heavy all of the sudden as she just stared at me with those guilty eyes, my strength left me and before I know it she already pulled away from my grasp, leaving me there as I felt cold the moment her warmth left mine.

"So, you're really just toying with me?" I sharply looked at her, she guilty looked at me "I-I'm sorry, P-PD Kun." she stuttered, showing me how apologetic she is.

I felt the rage consume me as I looked down at her, "Keep living like that." I said, glaring at her. I harshly grab her right hand, my other hand suddenly brings out the jewelry I'm keeping all this time in my pocket.

"Here, that's all yours now since I don't even know what to do with that

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"Here, that's all yours now since I don't even know what to do with that." I coldly said, putting it into her hands.

She widened her eyes seeing the necklace I gave to her and before she even open her mouth to say something, I immediately strutted my way out of the door, leaving her.

As soon as I turn my back to her, a lone tear starts to falling from my eye as I harshly wipe it, ignoring the pain in my chest.


As soon as PD Kun left the room, I felt my legs wobble as I slumped myself to the ground, clutching the necklace in my chest, tears starts to form in my sight. 

I let out a sob.

I like him, I really like him.

I don't know why I can't say it to his face earlier.

Maybe I'm really a passive and timid kind of person, I don't even know how to fight for what I want.


Maybe, this is for the better.

I'm still slumped on the ground when I see Yu Yan entered, I immediately turn my back on her and wiped my tears as I go back to fixing my things.

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