Chapter 2

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~(next day, evening)

"So why are we going in a train?" Chan asks looking at Minho who had just arrived.

"Because they'll be here soon and that's when we go confront them" Minho gets into the train followed by Chan.


"Sorry I got held back again" Felix runs up to Jisung panting.

"Oh fucking hell why do these dumb teachers let girls wear boys clothes but when boys wear girls' its suddenly a taboo?" Hyunjin remarks staring at Felix's short pastel pink skirt and black crop top.

"And how do you know he was dress coded and not because of his dagger huh?" Jisung argues making Seungmin hit him on the head.

"Ji bitch how dumb can your squirrel ass be, of course he got dress coded the dagger has been in his bag you idiot"

"Alright stop it you three the train's arrived" Felix chuckles getting onto the train followed by the others.

Though he quickly gets separated from his friends.

Ugh each time let's hope no one tries to do anything this time..

Ooh he's cute 11/10 would date-
Oh shut up Felix he's probably straight

Felix looks at a blonde guy who was almost the same height if not a bit taller than him, wondering if he had a chance before being pushed into him by the crowd.

"You ok there kid?"

"Uh- uhh.. ye-yeah"
Come ON Felix now's not the time to gay panic-

Felix feels someone touch his back moving their hand all the way down to his butt.

The person doesn't get to continue as Felix is flipped around, his back against the train wall and the blonde guy pinning him against it.

"Sorry but I saw the old man touching you"

"No.. its fine..." Felix blushes avoiding eye contact with the guy.

"Uh umm sir what's your name.."

"Chan, you?"

God knows why but Chan instantly trusted this guy, as if they had met before.

"Uuh-uh I'm Felix.."

Why does that name seem so.. familiar? And his face too.. also I need to stop gay panicking like. Right. Now. Brain.

Chan giggles at Felix's gay panic finding it absolutely adorable.

"So.. um Chan. Do you wanna meet up sometime? I- I just wanna thank you for saving me there.."

"Sure kid.." Chan laughs before spotting a gay cat glaring at him, "here message me later I got to go" Chan leaves at the station.
(It y'all didn't get who it was I'm unfriending you)

~(at Stray Kids' base)

"Chan what the fuck that was my brother you were hitting on-"

"So? And he was the one who asked me out.. Its just some fun anyway did you get the dagger or not?"

"Um... No" Minho hides behind Changbin seeing Chan suddenly turn his aura to anger.. and then back to a calm one?

"What the hell how is he not angry.." Jeongin whispers, extremely surprised that Chan hadn't kicked Minho's ass.

"Do I look like I know?" Minho deadpans still staring at Chan who was now giggling.


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