Chapter four

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Authors note: Alrighty I'm back! I'm sorry it took me so freaking long to update any of my works lately. I've been pulling quite a few hours at work and I'm getting ready to head back to school so my schedule is always pretty tight. I don't want to jinx anything, but I'm hoping that I can update a work once a month. I'm not sure that will happen but that's a plan in progress. I'm currently talking with someone that can help edit my chapters before publishing as well. We'll see how everything goes! Thank you for reading! I tried to give an extra amount of words for this chapter because of how long it's taken me to update! The word count for this chapter is below.

Word count:  7,105 Words
Saturday April 18, 2000


Fred and George's owl, Corncakes, hoots in annoyance at my staring. I straighten my shoulders and stalk over to the window while tiredly rubbing my eyes. Flipping the latch on the window and pushing the window outwards, their medium sized bright grey owl stoops in and perches itself on Crookshanks' scratching post and hoots once more. Impatient little shit. Corncakes's bright and beady eyes peer at me as I approach the owl and stroke his feathers softly.

"I feel bad that your name is Corncakes. Fred and George only named you that because they thought it'd be funny." I roll my eyes and take the note from the feathered animal. "Would you like a treat before you head off?"

     Corncakes gives a tiny hoot of agreement. I set the letter from the twins down on my kitchen table and head for the jar of owl treats in the cupboard. I take two back with me and hand them both to the appreciative owl who then flies off after being well pampered. I pluck the letter from the kitchen table and carefully unfold it as I make my way back to my bedroom in the back of the apartment. It was an unusually lengthy letter from the twins and I immediately get invested with their words with a tiny grin playing at my lips.

     We know that you had your little meeting with Malfoy today. George and me didn't forget! If you'd like to meet up with us tomorrow evening after you go dress shopping with Ginny, we'd greatly appreciate your company. We're hoping to meet with you around 8 o'clock at our flat for dinner? Verity and Lee can handle the evening busy hour with the three other people scheduled to work so you'll have our attention to the fullest! We hope to hear from you relatively soon because we are genuinely interested in what the ferret had to tell you, and how he managed to apologize to you. I mean, how could he possibly do that without being such a pompous arse? Guess we probably shouldn't say that until we know the full story so we don't seem like the pompous arses. Anywho, reach out to us whenever you get this letter!
With double the sincerity since there's two of us,
Fred and George.

     A giggle bubbles up my throat at their goofy letter. Even in lettering, their banter is still there, 100% genuine, and still causes me to laugh. I flick my wand and a piece of parchment and a muggle black ink pen come whizzing towards my bed and settles itself neatly in front of my crossed legs. I pull the cap off and begin writing in my own curly script:

Fred and George,
Ginny and I will be heading down into Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley for dress shopping around at noon. We should be done mid-evening so eight o'clock works perfectly fine for me! I will definitely be telling you all about my meeting with Malfoy and I'll let you guys know the color of my dress so you can match your ties with it. The only kind of information that I will give you about today is that it was quite the eventful day with Malfoy. It wasn't all necessarily bad either, just tense and awkward at first. Now if I'm going to get a decent move on tomorrow I just get myself showered and get into bed. I will see you both tomorrow at eight o'clock at your flat.
With care,

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