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Dealing with boredom.

"Mmmmmhhhh ... My brows crimped as a sigh broke out from my lips.
I had been staring out from the window watching animals take over our world as we had been locked in due to the "Global Pandemic"

CORONA VIRUS! Who knew this day would come!

"How long did the government officials say this lock down was gonna last? I asked my sister, Nelly who had been studying in her library for an hour and thirty minutes straight.
"I dunno for sure maybe a month or two? It's just thirty minutes past ten and your already so bored!
"WTF! I yelled at the top of my voice. I have been sitting down here for the past seven hours and your telling me it's only 10:30am.

What am I going to spend the next thirteen hours thirty minutes doing. I buried my face in my palm hoping something exciting would suddenly happen.

"Nelly stop reading! I ordered!Let's find something more fun to do.

"But reading is fun ...Nelly snapped back smiling and fiddling with her humongous text book.

" What else do you do for fun? I became curious.

"Researching, Quiz apps, Educational movies.

I stifled a yawn so it won't be so obvious that my sister was adding to the extreme boredom I was already facing.

"You know what, I finally gave up! Just keep reading as you always do I'll figure something out that will keep me alive till tomorrow, I said as I fell flat on Nelly's bed.

I enjoyed staying in Nelly's room because it was closer to my music studio and it was so easy to just walk in and out besides she only lived in one side of her room ......her Library!and I had the rest of the room to myself.

Nelly and I have never really been apart from each other even though we are entirely different.

She's cool, calm, nerdy and extremely quiet while on the other hand I'm lousy extremely loud and an A+ student though I don't study half as much as she does.
I love music's,acting, dancing but she just loves to read and write and she's good at it anyways.
Mom's always busy and dad's never really around, he just comes around during Christmas and birthdays
I should be used to it by now right? ...but I'm not! Nelly had always been there for me on my darkest days until she became too busy with school work. I know you must be wondering why a 17 year old would be going through dark days; shit happens!
I really love Nelly, My only sibling. She could be enigmatic but she's cool. Sometimes we hardly talked cos of her busy schedule.

"Carmella ......Cami wake up!

"Nelly what is it? I rubbed my eyes and yawned out loud. Have I been sleeping?

"Yeah, so I thought about what you said and erm... Let's do something fun!

"Like what? Researching on why the tongue is the strongest muscle or how the heart beats or why...

"Let's make a tik-tok video, she cut me out. But only for today!

My eyes grew wide like an over stretched balloon and my mouth gaped till my jaw became numb. Did you just?... I don't think I've fully woken up...

" Yes I did!... She laughed and please stop being so dramatic. Which video are we making first... She smirked.
O. M. G!!!!!! I'm freaking out. My day just got a lot more better ...I screamed
After 20 minutes of practice we were ready to party, turns out Nelly dances a lot more better than I do and that's a beautiful contradiction to her personality.

"Ready? ...I turned to Nelly who was surprisingly more than ready.

" Go! I steadied the camera and BOOM!! We were having the best 30 mins of our lives.

'Uh Uh uh did somebody, did
Somebody did some body break Your heart'...

We were lip singing Jason derulo's newest hit 'savage love'... The song got good vibes
After everything we Re watched our videos and laughed a lot and later selected the best videos.
That moment was very special to me as it happens once in a blue moon since she got so busy.

"I'm gonna post this on my Instagram story.

"No Cami don't! She snapped back trying to reach out for my phone.

"Cmon it's just for fun, I laughed.

"Alright alright do whatever you want. I'm all sweaty, I'm heading to the bath tub.
"I'll just go to my room or better still take a stroll to the court yard.
I walked through the court yard, facing the house gate wondering when this stupid pandemic would end cos I was losing it. I couldn't wait to become a free bird again as my Sagittarius nature required of me.

"Hello baby girl, a sweet rosy voice called from behind. It was my mom's.

"Mom startled me, I jerked.

" If your eyes were lasers they could have burned down the gate by now. You've been staring at it for quite a while now.

"See who got jokes.. I teased my mom.

"Anyways, your dad called in today and he's coming back tomorrow, seems like the quarantine affected his job as well.

" Mom can I ask you something.

" Anything Cami.

" Do you sometimes miss daddy, Like wish he was mostly around or something.

" well sweety before we got married, I knew what i was getting into and...

Not again, I mentally face palmed I asked a straight question and required a straight answer not a long paragraph ...I said it all in mind so no one else heard it but me. Well I guess my mom detected the impatience in my face and finally said;

"I do miss him.

"Then talk to him about it or live with it forever! I said gently while giving my mom a pat on her back. Anyways I'm going back to my room, if I stay under the sun for long I'll burn to crisp.
"Alright go-ahead! Don't be late for dinner.

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