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        "Dad's gonna be here in a minute.      Are you excited?
        "Sure mom. we chorused.

Ping!  The door bell rang and I and Nelly  even tho adults raced like little kids to hug our dad.

         "Dad I missed you, Nelly yelled.
         "I missed you more daddy.. I struggled my way under his arms to feel his warm embrace.
         "My little girls, he hugged us even more tightly.
His voice was like a cup of coffee in a freezing hand... Warm and delight. His skin was as soft as cotton, I missed the old time hugs.
" mom cleared her throat signaling us that it was her turn and she needed the hug most.
Dad pecked us on our foreheads and excused himself.
           "Ouhh my beautiful Elisa, I missed you so much.
He went closer to her, pulled her hair from her temple and kissed her forehead then down to her lips slowly and passionately …and then everything else disappeared...

      " Uhm dad, where are your luggage's. I interrupted only to be rewarded a hit by Nelly.
             "What chu do that for? I'm gonna hit you back.
             "Catch me if you can.. Nelly stuck her tongue out and raced to the car.

Could this be real?  My enigmatic sister was playing with me and my dad was finally home.
I felt like cupid 'the Angel of love' Just shot at our house cos there was love everywhere.

It was half past 8 and after everything... I was bored again!  I just realised that I had forgot to post the video on my Instagram story.
I went online only to be greeted by lots of notifications.

  "Uhhhh I grinned, seems like I've got lots of work to do. I began to wonder if replying 50 out of my 200+ messages would save my from ship that was sinking into boredom.
Then one message came in;
               "Hey Carmella, I'm Ted. Can  
                 We be friends 😊?

Seems like you're in luck today. I clicked  the message, No!  My boredom did!
Whatever I still opened the message anyway.
I replied with a "👍" and quickly tapped on his name, so I could go through his profile.
                " Impressive ...I said as I scrolled through his pictures.
Alright for the sake of boredom I'm in!
                 "So how are you..  He asked.
                 "I'm fine you?... I replied.

Not like I totally cared but as far as first impression went I had to play cool.
We chatted for a while until I was taken off guard by my dad who decided to scare me with a BOO!
                "Daddy!  I screamed dropping my phone and running to hug him.
His intoxicating body cologne filled my room.
                  " Last time I saw you, you were only 14 and you were very much interested in your;
                                   "EARLY TO BED
                                   " EARLY TO RISE!
now look at you sleeping late.. He laughed.
                   "Daddy can you promise not to be taking too long to return... I asked doing the puppy eyes and holding his arms.
                 "Baby you know that my job is very demanding and....
                " Alright dad, I understand!
                " Thanks baby, he pecked my forehead, tugged in my blankets and turned off the lights.
Just like old times.
                 "Goodnight daddy.
                 "Goodnight my little baby girl.
I'll never forget today, I murmured to myself and after saying a word of prayer I slept off!

               "Morning Mom, Morning Dad, I hurled the greetings on them as I ran down the stairs.
                "Mom, Dad!  Nelly began in her usual matured tone. Cami and I decided to prepare breakfast today.
                " Oh really, Dad smirked!
                " You'll love it I promise. Nelly added.
                 "I sure will,  dad's smirk grew to a full blown smile and only then had I realised that my dad had a very beautiful smile.
                  " So girls, Go Ahead!  Make my morning....Mom said.
                  " Our morning. Dad cut in as he caressed mom's hand and gave her an early morning kiss.
Who knows how many she got before coming down... I thought to myself smiling sheepishly.
                   "Okay,  Erm... I did the Cooking and Cami did the baking.
                    " Yes dad, all for you and mom. I gave them a tight warm hug.
                     "Mmmmmhhhh... Oh my goodness they scent so good, mom confessed!
                     " wait till you taste the love shaped cookies I baked,I boasted!
It was 10 minutes into breakfast and we all got interrupted by dad.
  " I really thank God for bringing us this far, I may not be here always but God is always here. I love you all so very much and in the spirit of love and happiness I'd like to present to you both a gift.
Nelly, I got you a turquoise blue sleeveless gown with the encyclopedia dictionary you asked for.
Carmella I got you a dog,A Pomeranian Spitz.
I sank into my chair, I couldn't believe this was happening. The popular dog I usually saw on TV was finally mine.
                "O. M. G ...I screamed my lungs out. Dad you got me a Pomeranian Spitz. I love you daddy. I dropped my morning meal and ran up the stairs completely ignoring my parents yelling for me to come back and complete my morning meal.

This can't be happening... I felt happy, super excited and electrified all at once.
          " Aren't  you just the cutest creature on earth, I picked up my new dog and smooched her fluffy fur. It felt really cool to own a dog.

What name will I call you, Mmhh.. I thought to my self.....I was way too excited to think.
I'll name you fluffy or maybe Romeo
no, no! That's a cliche name.. The dog stared at me blankly and I smiled rubbing her fur on my face.

              "Cami... Do you want some candy?  Nelly barged abruptly into my room.
                "Yeah I'll take  a few of them. Just drop it over there. I directed her using my left arm while I used my right to embrace the new love of my life.
                 " Alright Cami I'm leaving.
                 "Don't you wanna take a look at my new dog?
                 " No, She had a glaze look on her face. I'm rushing off, i cant wait to read the Encyclopedia dictionary.
                  " yeah,yeah, whatever! I rolled my eyes.

                 "Want some candy? I asked my new doggie.
                  "ruff-ruffShe responded
                  "Awwn, you're so adorable.

Candy …not a bad name for a cute dog. I thought to myself. I'll call you candy.
                   "ruff-ruffShe repeated the same response.
        " I love candies, you love em too so we calling you Candy!
I said excitedly... As if she could even hear me. I heard a lot about dogs and their super cute connection with their owners and I couldn't wait for mine.
A feeling of warm glow flowed inside me as I laid with candy and patted her till she fell asleep.
I tilted my back to reach for my phone and went right back to Instagram. I just remembered that I was interrupted from my chat with long Ted. I called him long because he looked lanky in all his pictures.
"3 new messages from Ted Larry"
                " Oh jeez!  I face palmed
Why was I freaking out?  I wondered. Maybe cos he's good looking or maybe cos?  Whatever.. I shrugged the thought off.
"I'm sorry I slept off! I sent a message and within a milli second he replied as if he was waiting on my message.
                  " Apology not accepted!!
                  *" Oh really
                  *"So what kind of apology do you need 😂😂?
                  " I see you're an emoji girl. I'm going to be more lenient with you cos your very beautiful..
                  *"Oh really
                   " is "oh really your catch phrase?  Anyways here's the deal, emoji girl!  I'll accept your offer if you give me your number. I think that's fair enough.

You wish, I murmured and left the message on read as I dropped my phone. There are more better ways to alleviate this boredom than to give my number off to a total stranger.
As I walked down the stairs, I realised that the only thing I could hear was the chiming of the parlour clock and the friction sound that my flip flops caused with the marble tile.
I walked by Nelly's room and found sleeping on her new Encyclopedia dictionary that was big enough to contain her big head.

"Darn it!  I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth as I walked back to my room.
I could either be making the biggest mistake of my life or saving myself from absolute boredom. I thought about his proposal for a while and finally decided to give in to his absurd demands.
           'Alright you can have it, I texted him using my number to make things easier.
                'Thank you! But for the record I'm saving you as "Emoji girl …He texted back.
                  'And I'm saving you as "Long Ted.... I texted back.
                   'For real?!  That's like a cliche name, my friends call me that, find something new.
                    'I'm not gonna rack my brain thinking of some new name to save you as that will be different from your friends 😒😒!
                    'Alright alright,I hear you ma'am.

30 minutes into the chat, I found myself laughing so hard and enjoying our conversation that didn't start off so well.





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