Part 24

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The next day Seokjin woke up with something heavier than a pillow around his waist. He slowly opens his eyes and he is still processing why he is seeing an unfamiliar ceiling, then he heard the heavy breathes of someone sleeping next to him. "Namjoon?" He thought still half sleep.

His eyes widened when he remembered what happened last night as Namjoon is half (?) naked beside him. "Please don't hold back" Seokjin blushed more as he remembers more. And wait.... He is wearing one of Namjoon's hoodie?

He turned, his back facing the sleeping alpha then he felt the Namjoon's arms hugging him again.

"Let's sleep some more" Namjoon said in his deep sleepy voice.

"Do I have a choice????" Seokjin thought panicking.

Of course Seokjin was not able to go back to sleep after that. Namjoon sleeping right beside him while hugging him. He can feel the alpha's breath tickling his nape.

Namjoon woke up with a sweet scent that pleases his senses. He nuzzled his nose towards Seokjin's nape "Why do you smell this nice so early in the morning?" he whispered.

Seokjin didn't expect the sudden reaction from the alpha which made him blush and release more pheromones.

"Oi, if you don't stop releasing that sweet scent, I will end up wanting you and won't be able to hold myself back" Namjoon warned the omega but he keeps nuzzling his nose.

"I'm sorry but what you're doing really makes me feel this way" Seokjin explained.

"So it is my fault again?" Namjoon kissed the omega's hair.

"Will you please let me rise now? I have to prepare breakfast and it is already late morning"

"Hmm, Let me think about it" the alpha tightened his hug.

"Please Namjoon" the omega begged now hiding his red face.

"Answer my questions first." Namjoon rests his chin on Seokjin's shoulder.

"What questions"

"What is Chanyeol's reason on giving you a gift? Why did you accept it? Why did you smile at him? Why did you blushed after seeing what's inside? And why did you giggle with him?"

"y-you saw that?" Seokjin stuttered which made the alpha more suspicious.

Namjoon turned Seokjin and hover over him and look at the omega with both jealousy and suspicion in his eyes.

"Is it something I shouldn't see?"

Seokjin blushed and hid his face again behind his hands.

"It was just nothing" the omega replied.

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