Hard to explained

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-----------------------------Gu Seung Jun Point Of View--------------------------------

Ahhh.. i think i get really tired. I should get some sleep again, last night i didn't sleep to well on the couch. That mother and daughter is really really mystery, how come after i gave her compliment she just stare at me and did not gave any other reaction. And Seo Dan... after i confess to her she just....... hmm i don't know.. just seems shock but then just stay in silent.

Haaaa... that mother and daughter only give me headache. I should get some sleep now,

Then i continue my day with a good sleep.
Then suddenly i see Seo Dan back again to apartment, she running toward me, and crying.
i said to her
"What happen?! Why are you crying?"
"I don't want with Ri jeong Hyeok anymore, i realize i....... i... like you now.."
It was shocking news..
"Did you really like me?" i questioned her
"Yes, i like you, i don't like Jeong Hyeok anymore, i realize now... you're the one for me" then she hugged me, and look me in the eye. It makes my heart flustered... this beautiful girl in front of me, saying that she likes me... it's just like a dream.. Then i touch her face, i close my eyes ready to kiss her.. and when i opened my eyes.. i was at my bedroom.. and there's no Seo dan..

"Ah! Damn it! It just a dream! What time is it?! i think i sleep to much.."
then peek at my phone there is none call or text from Seo Dan..
"Ahhhh she really is too miserly to give me a text first," and then my stomach growl i think i should find some food, i walk to the kitchen and eat some leftover food from Seo Dan, suddenly i heard my phone rang, then i run as fast as i could to see whose calling me.
In my head i know it must be Seo Dan, i can't wait to hear her voice, i miss her already!

In my head i know it must be Seo Dan, i can't wait to hear her voice, i miss her already!

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But.... when i saw whose calling me, its not Seo Dan... it was Ri Jeong Hyeok.

What on earth............ why is he calling me.. should i hang up? or should i take this call? hmmm.......
Then i hang up.
I don't have anymore business with him. Why should i receive his call. But. Then he called me again..

What's wrong with him?! why does he keep calling me?! Okay! let me hear one more time what does he had to say to me?!

"Hello?" i answer the phone

"Hello is it Gu Seung Jun?" Ri Jeong Hyeok asking me

"Yes.. its me who helping Yoon Se-ri and you last time. What is it now?"
"I need a favor to ask, Where are you now?"
"What?! is it not enough!? last time is already dangerous for me! i even now had to be freeloader at my girlfriend apartment. No no no more i won't help........."
"Yoon Se-ri is about to get attacked" he cut my lines, but his answer making me shock

"What are you talking about, She is already at South Korea right?! Don't fool me, she is home and she must be just fine, do you know how wealthy her family is?"
"Yes, but Choo Cal Gang... you know him right?"
"Shit.. What is it now? I know him"
"He is intend to ruin my career and my family, by find Yoon Se-ri and bring her back to north Korea. If he's plan succeed my family will get punishment and Yoon Se-ri might be killed here for punishment. We can't let him do that" 
"This... this is crazy, Why i should get involved in this hard situation........... ahhh shit.. ahh! what i must supposed to do?!"
"I just need you to go my house, i am sorry, but can you do that? we will meet on the post border line at 9 PM"
"Arrghh.. and then? What am i gonna do when i am at your house?"
"Get my belongings jacket, sweater, and my wallet at my wardrobe in this state i can't get back to my own house"
"Geezz.. what are you gonna do this time?!"
 "I am going to South Korea, to save Yoon Se-ri by my self"

It blows my mind when i heard Jeong hyeok goint to South Korea.... i am in silent for a while.. i just.. can't believe it, This man gonna risk everything include his life for Yoon Se-ri. How can he be so crazy about that girl...

"Hello? Gu Seung Jun? Are you still there?" i am in silent for a while.
"Ah.. yes yes.. i get it, Go to your house get your things and meet you at the border at 9PM. Okay i get it. so see you at 9 PM" then i drop the phone

I just can't believe it, this man really crazy about Yoon Se-ri.
it's already 5 PM now, i should get ready...
Then as he planned i got into Jeong Hyeok house and get all his belongings, go to the border line and wait till 9PM.

It's 9 PM now..
Where is he why is he not arrived yet?
then in a next 15 minutes, i saw someone walk in.. it must be him..

"You arrive on time, thank you for your help" it really is Ri Jeong Hyeok. 
"Yes, someone taught me to be on time, now, it's become habit.." i answer him cold, and giving him his bag. He received it and check inside his bag.
"It's all here. Thanks to you. I am gonna get going now"
"What?! how you get there?"
"Hmmm.. i found out that Cho Cal gang went to South by secret tunnel, i think i am gonna get going the same way he did"
"Isn't it to dangerous? do you think you really have to that?! it's to dangerous. you know the consequences. you could've die!"

"I know" he smiled. 

"Then why you still do that?"

"You will understand when you had someone you truly loved" his answer just makes me gone mad.

Suddenly i remember Seo Dan how she become really stupid when she waiting all over the years for this man. Loves really makes us doing stupid things.

Then i pick a phone at my pocket. 
"You'll need this" i hand it over my mobile phone

"No, i am fine really" Jeong Hyeok refuse my over

"No, trust me you need this! dial number 1 He is my guy, he will help you to find Yoon Se-ri house quick and fast. Do you ever think how you could found Yoon Se-ri house?! do you plan to asking someone?! it will be dangerous, everyone down in South would notice you are from North Korea, you'll be death before you could protect Se-ri! Geez... how can love makes higher soldier like you become completely idiot. just take it!" i insist him

"Thank you"

"Ya! before you get going could you do some favor to me?" i asked him

"What is it?"

"I wanna do something, but you can't ask me why! do you understand?!"

"Ha? what is it?"

"Just say agree on me!"

"Hmm okay"

"Okay close your eyes, and stand still" i request him

I take a step back, do inhale exhale.. i clench my fist. Then i swing it to Jeong Hyeok face.
"Owww!! why your face is so hard?! i am the one who punched you but why am i in hurt?!" i hold my fist it really hurt, it feels like i punch stone.

"Why are you doing this?"

"NO! remember you agree on me not to asking why!" i stop him to asking

"Ah yes.. okay, but are you okay?"

"Yes yes i am fine. just go. i am so a shame right now"

"Ahh.. okay. i get going. Once again i really thankful for what you had done from the first until now" he bowed to me and runaway.

As I stare at him running...
That asshole....... I do that for Seo Dan.. i hate this man really. Why can't he just getting over his relationship with Seo Dan and makes her stop waiting.
She is in pain, all these years she is just waiting for you patiently without any hesitate. And now, you'll risk your life just for Yoon Se-ri, you never think of Seo Dan hearts.
At least this is what i can do for her.. maybe i should slap him instead of punch. My hand really hurt right now...

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