New Skills

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Kazuma and Y/N are sitting in the guild at the moment. They're learning some new skills.

Y/N: I never really looked at my registration card, but the skills I can learn here are really cool. I can summon a road roller out of nowhere. That's fucking brilliant.

Kazuma: All right... *thoughts* Road rollers exist in this world?

Y/N: Do you have a new skill?

Kazuma: Yes.

Y/N: Cool. Show me.


He filled his empty cup with water and drinks it.

Y/N: At least you'll stay hydrated.

Kazuma: Well, that's about what I'd expect from elementary magic. Now that I've learned a new skill, maybe I'm a bit more of an adventurer.

Darkness: Kazuma, Y/N! Look! I repaired my armor with the reward I got for the cabbages, and it's so shiny now! What do you think?

Kazuma: Looks like the sort of armor some newly-rich aristocrat's son would wear.

Y/N: I can only agree.

Darkness: There are times when I'd like some genuine praise, too. You never show mercy, do you, Kazuma?

Kazuma: I don't have time to pay attention to you right now. Do something about that pervert who's well on her way to surpassing you.

He points at Megumin who was doing some... things with her staff.

Megumin: Irresistible, Irresistible! The luster of this Manatite staff brimming with magical power...

Aqua: What was that?! Hey, you, what's the meaning of this?! Just how many cabbages do you think I caught?!

Luna: W-Well...

Aqua: What?

Luna: Most of what you caught is actually lettuce...

Aqua: Why is there lettuce mixed in?!

Luna: Th-There's nothing I can do about it!

Darkness: (To Kazuma and Y/N) It is true that lettuce has a low redemption rate.

Aqua: (Still shouting at Luna) I went through a lot of trouble, so do something!

Kazuma:Is it? I wouldn't know.

Aqua turned to all of you.

Kazuma: *thoughts* Oh, she's coming this way. This isn't good.

Y/N: *thoughts* Should I run away?

Aqua: Kazuma-san! Y/N-san! About how much was your reward from your last quest?

Kazuma: About a million.

Megumin, Aqua and Darkness: Oh!?

Kazuma: *thoughts* Yes. Thanks to quest that was sprung on us out of the blue, I suddenly obtained a small fortune.

Megumin, Aqua and Darkness: A million...

Aqua: A-And you Y/N?

Y/N: Only a few thousand.

Y/N lied as naturally as he breathed.

Kazuma: *thoughts* Many of the cabbages I harvested were apparently packed with lots of XP. I guess high luck makes all the difference.

Aqua: K-Kazuma-sama, I've thought this for quite some time now, but you're, um... fairly cool, you know?

Kazuma: If nothing praiseworthy about me comes to mind, don't force it.

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