Don't cry little girl

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I had changed into some sweats and a comfortable shirt, applied a little make up to cover all my zits and red blotches, as well as tied up my hair. I looked comfy but also kinda cute.

I wanted to look perfect for Ethan but after what had happened tonight even dressing and looking like this was a struggle.

I had put on some slow low fi type beat and made myself some chamomile tea. I was laying on my bed, just thinking and waiting.

Ethan had texted me 20 minutes ago that he was on his way here. I was excited to finally see him. But at the same time I was incredibly anxious. What if he didn't like me? What if he only wanted a quick side hoe? And now he was only feeling bad for me? What if he was a serial killer and this was his tactic? What if he had a basement full of bodies and was planning on making me another one?

But what if he did care?

No. I shook me head. It couldn't be. We only texted a couple times and it was mainly sexual. Why should he be caring for me?
But I mean, he was driving 30 minutes just to give me some aftercare. There must be something there, right?

The sound of the doorbell brought me back into reality. He was here.

I took a deep breath and slowly got out of bed. I buzzed him up and opened the front door to my apartment.

I was on the fourth floor so I had to wait quite a bit while he was climbing the stairs.
And every second I could feel myself getting heavier and my palms sweatier. Until finally he appeared.

'Hmmm, strange', I thought , he doesn't look like he wants to murder me.'

He looked the exact same that he did on camera earlier. His short brown hair looked incredibly soft, his jawline looked so sharp I feared I would cut myself and his eyes held so much emotion I got lost in them.

He stalked towards me and before I could say anything he embraced me in the warmest, biggest, strongest hug Id ever received.

"I'm here now rose, I'm here now", he whispered on top of my hair.

"You smell nice" I mumbled quietly into his chest.

I heard him chuckle but he didn't let go of me. We stayed like that, hugging as if our lives depended on it for a while. It must have looked quite strange.

"Do you wanna maybe go inside?" he asked softly. "The we can cuddle some more if you want", he quickly added as I wasn't letting go of him.

Slowly I let go of him and grabbed his hand, pulling him with me. Just now I felt the fresh tears that were running down my face and blurring my vision.

I closed the door behind us and saw Ethan looking at me. He squeezed my hand slightly and then pulled me towards him.

"Don't cry little girl." He wiped my tears away with his large thumbs. He looked serious for a moment, almost as if he was mad, but then he smiled at me.

"Now", he straightened himself up and let go of my face, "show me to your room please"


"So you've never had fairy bread?", I nearly screamed at him.

I had to turn my neck to be able to look up at him, since I was sitting in his lap. I was pretty close to his ear so I must have been quite loud, but I didn't care. He never had fairy bread.

"Hey hey, quiet down", he laughed.

"You've never had fairy bread" I whispered wide-eyed. I jumped out of his arms and stormed into the kitchen. I got some bread out of the pantry as well as some butter and sprinkles.

Ethan entered the kitchen and wrapped his arms around me, standing behind me. His head found its way into the crook of my neck.

"Why did you run from me?" he mumbled and I could feel him pouting.

"I had to make you fairy bread" I said softly and placed one of my hands on top of his.

I felt him chuckle and a smile appeared on my face.

After Ethan arrived we had cuddled in silence for a while. I had layed on top of him listening to his steady heart beat while he played with my hair. It felt nice and for some reason familiar.

After some time we got talking. First about Roy and Ethan had a whole rant about how much he hated him. I had cut him off pretty quickly and changed the subject onto him. We talked about Ethan and then me, just getting to know each other. Someway we had ended up talking about my childhood in Australia and now we where here.

Standing barefoot in my small kitchen eating fairy bread and laughing about the most random things.

I looked up at Ethan mid laugh and smiled at him. His smile was adorable and he had the cutest dimples. His nose was slightly scrunched and his eyes had a shine to them. He was glowing and radiating happiness.

He must have noticed me staring because he stopped laughing. He raised his eyebrows and gave me a questioning look. "What?" he asked smiling down at me.

I blushed and looked down. "Nothing" I mumbled and went to leave the room.

Ethan's hands found their way to my waist securing me in place.

"What was that"

I refused to look up at him and just pretended I didn't hear him. My cheeks must have been a dark red and my heart was beating out of my chest.

I felt one of his hands leave my waist and before I could even think about moving it was placed under my chin making me look at him.

"I think you're cute too", he whispered before closing the gap and kissing me.

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