Chapter 2

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2 years later

After the day Scorpius met Albus, they made the effort to meet every day. A year into it Scorpius kissed Albus. He was nervous to admit his feelings, scared that he would scare Albus away. But Albus kissed him back immediately.

The same day Scorpius was caught by his dad as he snuck back in the castle. His dad was disappointed but asked him to take his guards the next time. After that they had an arrangement that Scorpius would leave in the afternoon for a ride and his guards would accompany. Luckily his guards understood to take some distance and give Scorpius privacy.

That afternoon he got changed and met Perseus, Jason, Icarus and Hercules outside of the castle. "sir," Perseus spoke, "I got the flowers you requested."

Scorpius blushed, "stop calling me sir Perseus. But thank you."

"He only does it because you call him Perseus. He prefers Percy." Jason informed. "You should tell the king about the boy."

"The king only wants you to be happy." Icarus agreed.

Hercules nodded, "The ball is next week, you can tell him then."

Scorpius hated that they were right. "I just want him to accept me. If he find out that I'm the prince he might freak out and never talk to me again."

"you don't know that." Icarus shrugged, "no one turns down a prince if they know what's good for them."

Scorpius rolled his eyes, "I wouldn't hurt him if he rejects me. I care about him too much."

"what will you tell him about being absent that day then?" Percy asked.

Scorpius shrugged, "I don't know. I'll figure everything out."

"we'll help you. We are your guards but we know you better than anyone else. Except maybe Albus." Jason teased.


When they got close to the lake the guards let Scorpius continue. He had the flowers in his hand and he was beyond nervous.

When he got there he saw Albus sitting by the lake trying to fix his hair. Scorpius chuckled grabbing the attention of his boyfriend. When Albus turned around Scorpius was socked. He had a big angry bruise on his left eye. Scorpius jumped off his horse and ran to him. "My darling what happened?"

Albus smiled when he saw the beautiful flowers, "Scorpius these are beautiful."

They sat down. Scorpius inspected the bruise whilst his boyfriend kept quiet. It didn't look fresh but yesterday he didn't have it. "This wasn't happening anymore. Who did this to you?"

Albus grabbed Scorpius' hand and kissed it gently. "Someone followed me home after our meeting. I don't want it to happen to you. This must be the last time we meet my darling."

Scorpius felt his heart breaking, "no. I refuse. This won't happen again. You won't get hurt but please let's continue seeing each other. Please sweetheart. You can borrow my horse, I'll take you home of you don't want to borrow it. I just can't stop seeing you."

Albus sighed, "then you'll get hurt because of me."

Scorpius shook his head, "I won't. I'll be very careful just please. I need you." He sobbed.

Albus wrapped his arms around him. "Ok. We'll figure out a way my darling. For now let us enjoy our anniversary."

Scorpius nodded. He calmed down eventually and got out some candy for them. They stayed close together and enjoyed each other in every way they could think off.

Sadly their time had to come to an end and they went their seperate ways. Scorpius asked Jason and Icarus to watch over his boyfriend and make sure he got home safely.

When he got to the castle he went to his father, King Draco. He was tall, blond and strong. He was the only king who wasn't married but that's only because the woman he loved was destined to marry someone else.

"Son, you must help me get everything ready for next week. We must invite everyone in the kingdom like you requested. This will hopefully help you find someone you want to marry. If you don't you can follow my path."

"someone?" the prince asked curiously.

The king nodded, "gender and social status are not important. You know I only want you to be happy. That's what any parent should want. A happy king is capable to rule a kingdom with the right mindset. God forbid we ever have an angry king."

Scorpius smiled at his dad. Maybe he could solve everything that day. "Then we should get to work."


The day before the ball Scorpius met up with his boyfriend. The bruise was fading and there were no new injuries thankfully.

Albus hugged him with so much love it made his heart melt. "I love you my darling."

Scorpius kissed his forehead feeling guilty that Albus didn't know everything, "I love you too sweetheart."

If Albus noticed something off he didn't ask. "are you going to be at the ball tomorrow?"

"I'm afraid I have to be there."

Albus raised an eyebrow, "why is that darling?"

Scorpius cursed himself in his head, "my job. I hope to see you there because I brought something for you." Scorpius walked to his horse and took out a package. He handed it to Albus, "I want you to wear this. I asked a friend for this favor, it didn't cost anything so don't worry."

Albus kissed Scorpius soflty letting him know how thankful he was of him. "I'll open it when I get home. Right now you must teach me how to dance so I don't make a fool out of myself."

Scorpius pulled him close, "and what gives you the idea that I know how to dance?"

Albus shrugged placing his hands on his boyfriend's shoulders, "just a hunch."

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