Gross food and weddings

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For the past hour, Lukas had been trying to get the huge door to the troll's home open.

After the.. incident, the troll had fallen onto the floor, and was now slowly turning more and more into stone.
Lukas had spent awhile trying to fix his scrip, which he sadly had to give up on along with the food.

He was about ready to give up on the door and find another way out, when the large piece of wood finally moved.

The fresh breeze hit Lukas' face with a shock, causing him to yelp as he tripped down the big stairs that had led up to the cave door.

"So much for being careful.." He mumbled with a huff, before looking around at his surroundings.

Seeing a few broken trees, Lukas spoke up again. "If I remember correctly, the troll and I came from there.. so I guess that's where I'll go," He said, and started on his way back to where he hoped he'd find Mathias somewhere.
The Norseman just hoped that he hadn't gotten himself into too much trouble while he was gone..


When the path of fallen or split trees ended, Lukas recognised the place as the same area he'd left Mathias.

Just too bad there was no signs of the hyper Dane.

'Maybe he went ahead without me.. It'd make sense he wouldn't want to wait in case I was dead,' He considered.

As he was walking around, searching for any sign of where Mathias might've gone, the Norwegian noticed a golden apple laying on the ground.

"What's this..?" He wondered aloud. Since he'd just eaten with the troll, he wasn't very hungry, so he put the apple in his pocket before he continued to search for any sign of Mathias.

During his searching, he continued to find more and more apples, and eventually, footprints.
He felt his body going cold again as he followed the prints, almost entirely sure this was a bad idea.

As he reached a gap in between a large cliff, every cell in his body was telling him to leave.
But despite what his body was trying to warn him of, he continued in through the gap, before it opened in a dark, foggy clearing.

There was rotten trees and spider webs everywhere, and the grass was old and mud-covered.

And then there was a table. A large table, decorated with the nastiest foods he'd seen.

Bowls of cockroaches and living snails, plates of rats, and of course, those perfect golden apples.

It took Lukas a moment to realise that someone was sitting by that table, eating the 'food' as if it was gourmet.

And that someone, was a certain spiky haired blonde dane.

"Mathias!" Lukas shouted, before covering his mouth in a hurry. He didn't feel to comfortable with yelling in this place, but the rush of seeing the dane had acted faster than his thoughts.

Mathias turned to look at Lukas, his mouth stuffed with the disgusting food.

"Lukas! What're you doing here?" He laughed, getting up to greet the norwegian.

"We have to go, quick," Lukas responded, grabbing the dane by the arm and dragging him towards the exit.

"What? Why? Look at all that delicious food, and this beautiful place!"

"Delicious? Mathias, are you seeing straight? That's not food, that's-"

"Mathias! Honey, where are you going?" A raspy old voice echoed through the clearing.

Mathias' eyes lightened up, and he turned to look at the creature who's hair was coming out in strings, their nose was twisted and something that reminded Lukas of slime was hanging out of their lips.

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