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I pulled my shirt over my head and closed my suitcase.

I looked over at the clock - 7AM. I've always been a bit of an early bird, but Reid didn't exactly give me 'morning person' vibes - so I tried to get ready as silent as possible.

The sheets in the bed rustled until I was greeted with Reid's sleepy morning face. His swollen eyes paired with bedhead cause his usual intimidating, stoic impression to soften and become...pretty adorable.

He groaned as he stretched.

"G'morning," Reid sighed.

I smiled.

"'Morning, did I wake you up?" I asked.

"Maybe... where are you going?"

I sat on the edge of the pull out as I began to put on my shoes.

"First full day at the beach, thought I'd ride my longboard around the boardwalk and see what kind of shops they have around here."

Reid sat up, using his elbows as support. I noticed the softest of smiles appear on his lips, and he began to rise from the bed.

"I'll come with, I could use a jog. Just let me brush my teeth and stuff." He headed for the bathroom.

What I really wanted to say was somewhere around the lines of: "Really!? You'll come with me? Like a beach date? Yes!"

Instead, I cleared my throat.

"Uh, cool, okay," I shrugged, hoping my false nonchalance wouldn't be found out.

He peaked his head out from the bathroom doorway.

"Where's your usual enthusiasm? Jump up and down, praise me," he yawned.

"I have never once done either of those things!" I exclaimed.

Reid simply chuckled. I could hear it echo off of the bathroom walls.

I frowned. Hardly a minute out of bed and he's already teasing me.

With a sly grin on my face, I turned to the door, and opened it.

"Wait, w-" I heard Reid call out in confusion, but whatever he was about to say was cut off as I shut the door behind me, leaving without him.

I stuck my hands in my pockets, feeling accomplished as I walked leisurely down the hall. Not even 20 seconds later I heard fast paced footsteps heading toward me from behind.


And he's back.

Suddenly I was in a headlock as Reid dug his knuckles into my head, giving me a noogie.

"O-Ow! Dude!"

"You left without me," he let me out of his hold, his eyes squinted.

I threw him a sarcastic grin.

"Aw, did you miss me?" I stuck out my bottom lip before I turned around and continued my walk towards the elevator.

"Tch," Reid scoffed as he followed behind me. I laughed.

Reid's hand shot forward and gave me a light shove, I nearly tripped.

I shot him a glare over my shoulder.


Reid turned his head away and began to whistle, completely shutting me out.

"You're lucky you're cute," I mumbled under my breath.

The Honeymoon SuiteWhere stories live. Discover now