Focus on me

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I pushed open the bathroom door and my thoughts were flooded with relief, immediately followed by concern.

I found Reid. However, he wasn't okay.

He was practically curled into a ball as his knees hugged his chest, with his hands clasped over his ears; blocking out as much sound as possible. His eyes were squeezed shut, probably as tightly as they could. Yet due to the wet spots on his cheeks, it was obvious that tears had still managed to find an escape.

I closed the bathroom door behind me, giving us privacy, and slowly crouched down until I was at eye level with Reid.

I gently laid a hand on Reid's knee, he responded instantly with a jump and a startled gasp.

"Hey, it's me, it's me..." I reassured him.

I placed my hands over Reid's, which were covering his ears, and slowly pulled them away; my eyes never leaving his.

I held his hands in my own, and gave them a small squeeze.

He was trembling.

A sudden burst of obnoxious laughter could be heard from the other side of the door and Reid reacted to the sound as if it were a warning siren. His eyes darted around the small bathroom we were sitting in, unable to focus on one thing for more than a half of a second. Meanwhile his breathing grew more and more erratic as he continued to hyperventilate.

So this was a panic attack.

"Hey, hey, hey. Reid, you're okay, alright? Look at me..." I let go of his hands to place my palms on both sides of his face, aligning his gaze with my own.

His bright green eyes met mine, and they stopped their frantic movements, finally focusing.

"There we go," I managed a lighthearted smile.

"Wanna do me a favor? Can you copy me?"

Reid nodded.

I took in a slow deep breath, held it, and let it out at the same pace.

"Alright, now it's your turn."

With some struggle, Reid copied my slow breaths as his hands came up to the sides of his face and slipped his fingers between mine; lightly gripping my hands somewhat desperately.

"That's perfect. You're doing great..."

I have to get him out of here.

Reid's hands which held onto mine had yet to quit their trembling, but they were getting better.

I worried that staying here, even in the bathroom, being in a suite so packed full of people would only send him back into the state he was in before. At least now he almost had his breathing under control.

I don't want him to have to go through that again.

I got an idea. It wasn't much, but it was something.

I withdrew my hands from Reid's face and moved them so that mine were holding his.

"I'm gonna go-"

I could see a small flash of fear in Reid's eyes. His lips parted to speak, most likely to tell me not to leave, but I reassured him before he could say anything.

"-I'll be right back, I promise. I'm just gonna grab something. I'll be gone 20 seconds, tops. Will you be okay?"

Reid hesitantly nodded his head.

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