2. "I Know What You're Doing"

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Xingchen and Kaito (I had three votes so the two Vocaloids chosen were chosen at random between the three)

 "Again!" Lola yelled in frustration. On the table in front of Una was a full house. "I win." She cheered with a smirk. With that Cyber Songman, Lola, and Flower now owed Una ten boxes of chocolate. Cyber Songman grunted while shoving his cards on the table. "That's it. I'm playing darts." He groaned, muttering about loosing to a child as he left. "Who knew Anan had such a temper." Lola joked, getting Flower to snicker. Una burst out in laughter, childishly. Shaking her head slightly, Flower picked up her cards. "Next round?"

Cyber Songman sneered slightly at the laughter behind him. Of course, it was frustrating loosing to a twelve-year-old child. With a tsk, he strutted up to the dartboard. Yanhe and Longya were staring daggers at each other, darts in their hands. The game they were playing was intense, and no one could tell who was winning. Despite that, Cyber Songman decided to ask. "So, who's winning." Yanhe and Longya broke their gaze for a moment. "Dunno, ask Stardust," Yanhe said with point and a smile. Cyber Songman looked to his left to see Xingchen idly swaying her feet. "Hi, Songman!" She giggled. Cyber Songman sighed, this ditzy looking girl was keeping score? "It's Anan." He corrected her, "Who's winning?"

Xingchen cutely put a finger to her cheek to look like she was thinking. "Well..." She lightly muttered. "YanhegotsevenpointsthenLongyaonlygotthreethenIdroppedoutthenYanhegottenpointsthenLongyagotthreethentheygointoafightaboutwhowasbetteratdartsthen-" Cyber Songman widened his eyes at Xingchen's information dump. He could not comprehend what the girl was saying. He looked back to Yanhe and Longya as they were nodding along as if they understood what she was saying. Cyber Song slowly nodded his head as well, his expression showing that of pure confusion.

"-so Yanhe is winning." Xingchen finished with a grin. "Hey!" Longya spat out. Xingchen shrugged, "I'm just keeping score." She off-handily said. She watched Cyber Songman's expression change from one of utter turmoil to a more stoic and blank-faced look. Her beady eyes stared at him as he picked up the dart and passed it through his fingertips. "You got room for one more?" He asked. Yanhe's eyes lit up before she furrowed her brows in a determined expression. "Only if you want to lose." She announced to him. Cyber Songman matched Yanhe's look of determination with one of his own as he threw the dart in his hand. The dart landed close to where Yanhe's first shot had landed. "I don't know; I used to be a master of darts in college." Cyber Songman smirked.

Xingchen sighed as Yanhe, Longya, and Cyber Songman began to smack talk each. Now that there was another person to play against Yanhe, it would not be Yanhe winning the entire time. If they asked for the score, Xingchen wouldn't be able to tell them. This whole time she had only been pretending to pay attention, knowing that Yanhe was going to win each time. She did not want the others to continue to rely on her, so she quietly excused herself.

Xingchen quietly hummed to herself, not sure what to do or who to talk too. She was about to walk over to Yukari, Kizuna, and Miku, who were merrily chatting when she got a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see Kaito with a gitty smile across his face. "Hi, Kaito! How are you doing?" She asked. "I am doing just fine." He said. He let his gaze move past Xingchen for a moment before looking back to her. "So, Miku does not want me exploring, but I thought it might be fun." He said with a slight whisper. Xingchen blinked a couple of times, "But isn't Miku, your friend?" She asked as politely as possible, "Why would you go looking around when she asked you not to?" Kaito sighed as he looked away. "I'm... just really, curious." He answered. "Aren't you too?"

Xingchen thought over the offer a little. It was true that she was curious, and she was bored. But what about Miku? She did not want Kaito exploring the house, so why would she be okay with Xingchen exploring with him? She puffed out her cheeks while debating the proposition in her head. "Yeah, I am." She mumbled. Her lips twisted into a childish smile. "Okay! Let's do it!" She cheered. Kaito grinned brightly. "Thanks a lot! This house was super pretty. I didn't want to go alone, and you looked approachable..." He muttered the last sentence. Xingchen giggled at Kaito's awkwardness. "Well, I'm glad you did!" She replied.

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