Prologue: the new kids (episode 1)

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Your POV

I woke up as usual on my bed, looking around my room to find a note. When I read, I noticed that it was from my aunt. Yeah, yeah, I know, weird right?

I'm sure most people stay at their parent's house, but........

My parents died years ago. So I ended up living with my aunt and uncle, with their adorable little twins Takuma and Kazuma.

Oh! My name is Hikaru Hoshiyama, by the way. I stayed in my aunt's house with my two little siblings named, Hikari Hoshiyama and Akari Hoshiyama.

It's still sad though that the little twins didn't know about our parent's deaths. They were way to young to even understand.

But anyway, the note said that my aunt has to go to the school early today, so I have to get Hikari, Akari and my cousins to daycare today.

Bet you're wondering, why would my aunt go to school? Well, she's a PE teacher from my school, and she needs to go to school early for a teacher's meeting.

I woke up and went down stairs to prepare breakfast for the five of us. After that, I started to wake up my sisters and my cousins. I got four of them ready and cleaned up myself.

I got ready to get the four to kindergarten and my self to school, and we're of to go!

(Mini time skip/at school)

As I got to school, I went to the daycare room for my little siblings (since Takuma and Kazuma thinks that she's their biological sister).

Onc ilI got there, I saw Usaida (again) sleeping on the floor with little Midori while Taka and Kirin are playing around daycare.

"Now, be good to Usaida ok?" I told them. Sometimes the six of them love to cause mischief. So I did my best and help Usaida any way I can. That includes warning them about it everyday.

"And remember to always stay in the daycare room, alright?" I told them again. Sometimes they wonder out of the daycare room just to see me any chance they got. Knowing my two sisters, they really hate it when I leave. So when in the middle of class, they'll wonder of on their own with Takuma (being the greatest friend he is) and Kazuma behind (since he can't be without his twin). It was embarasing to the core.

Responding with the cutest 'yes!' Ever heard, I left the daycare room to my classroom.

~at class~

Once I got to my class, not many people was there. You see, my class is gonna get a new student tomorow, so I volunteer to get his/her desk ready before and after school.

~major time skip~

I went home quite late just to prepare the books for the new kid. It was already dark out. I can't believe it took me so long just to grab books from the library to class! And my feet are killing me!

Anyways, I'm of to pick up my little sisters at the daycare room. They hate it when they didn't get to see me after school, so I have to pick them up at daycare. Knowing at this time, Takuma and Kazuma would be already home at this time. So I only have to pick up my little siblings today.

Then out of nowhere I felt my head bump on something. But actually, it was my fault. You see, I love listening to music and can't help my self but to enjoy it while walking and closing my eyes.

And of course, not only my head hurts, I sorta landed on my butt too. It hurt. The I just realized what I just bumped into. Or, more like who did I bumped into. Kamitani Hayato. A classmate of mine. He must of had baseball practice today, and went to pick up his little brother, Kamitani Taka.

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