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We made out for about five more minutes before we pulled away, desperately trying to get air. Then, we just laid there in a comfortable silence, me trying to put sense into what had just happened and him, thinking about... well I have no idea.

To think I was convinced a handsome boy like him would never like me. You know, they say everyone's special, but I was just me. It's kind of hard to see something beautiful in yourself without thinking you're biased because it's you. Therefore, even with all my worries, my anxiety, my depression and my trillions of deceptions, he still stood by me and liked me for who I was.

That was the first time someone actually accepted me for who I was. For me.

I was drowning in those thoughts when Liam got me out of my trance.
"Bella, what do you want to do?" he asked me out of nowhere.

I looked at him with a confused face, probably, because he continued.
"It's the third day of the week already and I'd like to remind you that it's the only time I've got to show you why life's worth living. Rings any bell?" he went on, a smirk on his lips.
"Oh, yeah, sorry," I chuckled, "Sure, what do you want to show me next?"
"So many things..." he said while his eyes started to sparkle, as if living was his favourite activity, which it probably was since he was so full of joy and so... I don't know, full of life? I guess it was just him. He kind of was the definition of Life. Well, to me.

We got ready. Actually, I did since he had already taken his shower and went out to get us food before the previous things happened.

"Come on, Bella! What could possibly take you so long that I've been waiting for 50 minutes so you could prepare yourself?" he asked impatiently, yet with a playful smirk on his face accompanied with a light giggle.

His beautiful smile. Gosh, I could watch him smile forever.

"I'm sorry, I have to look presentable to go wherever you wanna take me," I said in a little laugh as I got out of my bedroom.

When he saw me, I knew he hadn't lied to me earlier when he said he liked me too. His look was indescribable. He was shocked, yet happy and surprised.

"WOW! Just... WOW!" he whispered to himself.
"Huh?" I asked as if I didn't hear, "what did you say?"
"Nothing, he blushed, "you're just so incredibly beautiful."

I blushed intensely too, my cheeks becoming crimson red.

"Why thank you, you look handsome too. You're so much more manly than since I had last seen you. You're all grown up now, kind of," I answered.
"Kind of?" he asked jokingly.
"Well, you're still a baby inside you know so..." I playfully answered, dragging the 'o'.

We laughed.

"Yeah, well, I could certainly say the same about you," he said in a chuckle, "You're so beautiful..."
"Yup, you might have mentioned it a couple seconds ago," I laughed.
"Well, Isabella Thompson, I'll tell you for the rest of my life," he said confidently.
"I really hope you do," was all I could say.

We then put on our jackets and left my house and went to the car.

After about a four hour drive, Liam and I arrived to the end of the road. We were completely surrounded by a deep forest that seemed to never end. Liam stopped the car and blindfolded me. Taking my hand as he lead me outside of his Mazda 3 made butterflies appear in my stomach. Then, we walked for a little while before I felt a light yet full of what I'd qualify of love kiss on the back of my hand.

"We're here, Bella" he told me as he took off my blindfold.

In front of me stood a wonderful field of flower. I'd never seen a place that beautiful in my life. Flowers going beyond the sight of my eyes and smelling so fresh, so natural, so pure, so calm. I was speechless.

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