Chp.2 (YN) meets Cheelai

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As Cheelai, Lemo, Paragus and (YN) were manage to escape from planet vampa, Paragus was relief to be saved and his son as well...

Lemo: You two seem tired. Why don't you two have a seat until we arrive to our destination.

Paragus: Yes, thank you. Come on son, let finally rest.

(YN) nods as him and his father both sat down on a seat as they felt relaxed...then Cheelai then entered the room as she was at another room to heal up the bruise from her knee she had back on planet vampa...

Cheelai: Hey Im back.

Lemo: How's the knee?

Cheelai: Its okay, it stings a little but it's fine. Just need some rest that's all.

Lemo: Okay then.


As Lemo continues flying the shoot to our destination, I then walked over to the two saiyan that were sitting there, as I then sat next to Paragus's son, (YN), he looked at me for a bit and looked kinda bothered me that he didn't even bother introducing himself, only his father did, but who cares. So I sat next to him anyways to rest myself and my knee as well, I then took out a candy bar as I open the wrapper and then took a bite as I was kinda hungry, as I took a bite...I suddenly realize (YN) was looking over here, eating my candy...weird...

Cheelai: So uh

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Cheelai: So uh...what's your name again...creeper?

(YN): ...(YN)...

I then started to realize not only he was way watching me eating, but was looking at the candy bar I was eating. So I started moving the candy bar around in circles to realize (YN) was following it and not taking his eyes from it, I bet he seems hungry and really want one...

Cheelai: Oh. You want one?? Their not bad.

He nods saying yes as I then hand him over another extra candy bar I have in my pockets...

Cheelai: Here try it.

(YN): Aaaaaaaaaah...

Cheelai: Hey Wait! Your not suppose to eat the whole thing with the wrapper! Here let me help you with that

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Cheelai: Hey Wait! Your not suppose to eat the whole thing with the wrapper! Here let me help you with that.

Holy crap, he was this close to eat not only the whole candy bar, but suddenly almost look like he was gonna bite my whole hand off as well...but anyways, I open the wrapper for him as I then hand him over it again this time with the wrapper off he then started observing it somehow...

Paragus: Its called food son, you can eat it.

Once his father said that, he then started to smell the candy bar as he then took a little bite from it, after that he suddenly look shock and he suddenly grab the candy bar off from my hands as he started munching the candy bar...

Cheelai: pfff *chuckles* see I told you. Pretty good huh??

He then nods saying yes as he continues munching the candy bar as he was done with it and then started eating the crumbs as well, gosh he really must be hungry, I hope his father wants one...

Cheelai: Hey...Paragus? You want one as well??

Paragus: No, Im okay. But thank you. Now (YN), show your manners when she offered you something nice.

(YN) then Looks at me as he then said to me...

(YN): Thank you very much, I am grateful.

Cheelai: Hehe why so formal? Maybe just try a "Thank You".

Cheelai: Hehe why so formal? Maybe just try a "Thank You"

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(YN): ...I

Cheelai Mind:

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Cheelai Mind: ...Oh my god...he's so fucking cute...

I don't know if it's just me

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I don't know if it's just me...or the fact that I'm already finding this (YN) guy cute already...I mean come on. Look at that adorable innocent face of his, and here I thought saiyans like him were nothing but wild savage animals...

Lemo: Cheelai? Cheelai!!

Cheelai: Huh wha?! Oh yeah Lemo?!

Lemo: Stop day dreaming. We're here already.

Paragus: We are?

Lemo: Yeah, Frieza's space ship.

Paragus: Good. He can finally tell me about the destruction of my home planet. Hope he knows everything. Come on Son, We're here.


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