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A week later
Airi POV
I wake up to the sound of the shower running. I twirl in bed and after I truly wake up, I sit up and go to the bathroom. When I enter, Logan was fixing his towel around his waist
"Morning" he says pecking my lips
"Is it really morning cause I feel like I'm in a dream"
"Why do you say that?" Logan turns towards the mirror and I follow suit
"Cause you're pretty much naked" I shrug and lean on the wall
"That's what you dream about?" He asks with a raised eyebrow and a smirk in place
"What other thing should I dream about? As Cinderella said "a dream is a wish your heart makes". It's not my fault that my heart wants you" at that he starts chuckling and takes another towel to dry his hair
"Did you eat already?"
"Nope. I was thinking of jumping in the shower myself"
"I knew I should've waited for you to wake up"
"Next time, follow your gut" I say
"I will. Now I'll go change and prepare some breakfast. Sounds good?"
"Magnificent" I kiss him and with that he leaves the bathroom

After a few minutes, I get out of the shower, put a robe around me and a towel in my hair. I go into the kitchen where I saw Logan washing some strawberries
"Two of my favorite things" I say smiling
"Make it three with coffee?" He says without turning around
"Coming right up" I pour some cold water in the reservoir, add some coffee to the filter and turn the coffee maker on. Before I can sit down I hear the doorbell ringing. Logan and I both look towards the door and back at each other with confusion
"Were we expecting someone?" Logan whispers
"Colin and Finn?"
"Since when do they use the bell?"
"I have no clue" I say walking towards the door to look thrown the peephole. On the other side of the door was Mitchum and before I could open it, I look at myself. I tiptoe back to Logan and I say
"Hannibal ad portas"
"And why didn't you let him in?"
"Under this I'm naked! You open it" I whisper back and walk to our bedroom

Logan POV
I dry my hands from washing the strawberries and go to open the door
"Took you long enough" his tone was mad
"I was washing some strawberries, would you be interested in some?" I walk with him in the kitchen
"I'm interested in some explanations" he shoots me a glare and I exhale
"I'm sorry, but explanations aren't on the menu for today. I'll be sure to add them for next time. Anything else you'd like? Maybe some coffee to drown your sorrow? Or mine.."
"Stop beating around the bush, Logan. Why are the tabloid full of your face in a compromising position?" He slams three papers on the counter. I pick them up and after a bit of studying them I say
"Wow, they got my good side. I'm impressed"
"Logan, I swear to god"
"I say we wait for Airi"
"I agree. We should wait for her. It's one thing to see this kind of behavior from you, but from her, it's new"
"You sound like you've known her all her life" at that, he looks me dead in the eye and I stop talking

Airi POV
I put on a crop top and some sweatpants and go back to the battlefield
"Mitchum" I say with a smile
"Airi" he says passing one of the papers to me. I gladly take it and look over it. When I see the picture of Colin screaming I start smirking
"Took them long enough to publish them" I give the paper back to a blank Mitchum and take a strawberry from the glass ball on the counter "Shall we sit down?" I gesture to the couch and Mitchum nods
After we sat down and made ourselves comfortable, Logan opens the conversation
"Are you sure you don't want anything?"
"No, thank you"
"So are you going to tell me why there are about a million of photos of you and your group at a rented out amusement park?" Mitchum comes back to the subject
"Publicity" I say simply
"Publicity? And looking like rebellious teens gives you the publicity you craved for? Who came up with this idea?"
"Why would Michael want this kind of
publicity related to you?"
"He told us that Airi will take over soon enough and he doesn't want the dynamic of the company to change" Logan says
"And in his twisted little mind he thought it was a brilliant idea to plan something more extravagant so that my face and name will be more known"
"Basically a LDB event, but toned down a little"
"And the tabloids aren't even bad. They are exactly what my father wanted. Plus, everyone has received recognition"
"I believe this year has been the year with the most appearances from Airi an I"
"If you think about it, all of our appearances in the papers are pretty much the love story the public needed. Two heirs meet each other in college, they fall in love and get married"
"Or it's the mystery of whether or not we are together because of love or it's just an arrangement" Logan says
"Well if you put it this way, it's quite a great strategy for publicity" Mitchum agrees
"So you won't kill me?" Logan asks
"Not today" Mitchum assures
"Nice to hear that my husband will be alive for the next appearance in society"
"Have you talked to Michael today?" Mitchum asks
"No, not yet. I need to track him and mom down so we can talk about everything" I say
"Alright then. I'll be on my way, now that we clarified your publicity strategy"
"It was nice to see you, Mitchum" I say sitting up with the both of them. On the way out Logan asks
"How's Honor?"
"She's good. Tired, but good. Levi is already trying to crawl away"
"I'm not even surprised. He looked ready to run last week" Mitchum and Logan both talk about Levi a smile
"Now I really have to leave. Good to see you again, kids"
"Have a nice day, Mitchum"
"Bye, dad" with that, he left our apartment

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