Extravagant event

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Two weeks later
Airi POV
"Okay, I think this is the winner" I come out of the bathroom in my outfit for the day
"You look stunning" Logan says sitting up from the chair next to the window.

"So I look presentable

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"So I look presentable. Our little protostar is not showing, right?"
"Do a spin to evaluate" he states coming in front of me and I oblige
"It shows"
"Ughh! This is the 5th outfit change!" I try to walk away, but he grabs my hand
"I'm kidding! You're ready to conquer Singapore"
"Don't joke about that. It's making me insecure" I pout acting upset
"I'm sorry. You know I didn't mean it in that way.. I'm really sorry, Star"
"I'm kidding" I say and he's at a loss for words
"That's cruel"
"Too bad. And don't ever joke about that kind of stuff. I might not react like this next time" I warn moving away from him to get my bag
"Understood. There will not be a next time"
"Good boy" my phone starts ringing and I knew it was my mom "Alright, I'm leaving. Wish me luck"
"Good luck" he kisses me sweetly and before we could deepen the kiss I pull away and walk for the door out of the hotel suite
"Keep your phone next to you!"
"Have fun!" He dismisses my sentence and I roll my eyes
"Bye bye!"
"Bye!" I close the door and before I could make my way downstairs I remember I forgot something. I unlock the door using the card
"What's wrong?" Logan looks concerned at me
"I love you" he relaxes and a smile spreads across his face
"I love you too" with that I left for good

I strut through the lobby of The Ritz-Carlton, Millenia Singapore, until I spot my mother on one of the couches. I sneak up on her from behind
"What are you looking at?" I ask and she snaps her head towards me. For a second I thought I will get a lecture about how I shouldn't sneak up on people, but I saw a faint smile on her face
"Well take a look" she passes me the magazine she was reading
"These are really beautiful" I look at the dresses in the magazine
"Good to know. Pick your choices. You'll try them on. Now let's go" she grabs my elbow and guides me out of the hotel
"Well I don't know what to pick. I'll just have to see them there" I close the magazine
"Eyes on the pages" she instructs
"Of course" I reopen it and I start scanning once again

We arrive at The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands and mom was already dragging me into a store. We are ushered into a private room and mom tells the workers what dresses she wants to see so they can bring them on a clothing rack
"So.. how is the planning going?" I ask trying to start a conversation
"Beautifully. Everything is in their place. Of course I will have to assist when the place is set up, but that's normal. You know how it is" she takes a sip from the tea we were served while waiting
"Can't forget such a big part of my life. So how's dad? I haven't talked to him in months"
"Your father is doing just fine. He's been jumping from meeting to meeting, having some interviews about how much changed in the past 25 years. Overall he's been quite busy"
"How are you?" I inquire
"I'm well. How about you?"
"Things have been nice. Logan and I are happy and figuring things out"
"Work wise, I suppose"
"Yeah, that's part of it"
"What else are you figuring out?"
"How we're gonna deal with a child"
"Oh don't worry about that. You said it yourself, you're not looking to start a family in the near future" she takes another sip
"Turns out things don't go as planned"
"What do you mean?"
"Do I really have to say it? I'm pregnant" her eyes go wide for a split second, but she recovers quickly. She takes a break before responding

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