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Sinb's POV

Ah~ such a nice day! I'm going to ask yerin today!

Hmm, i wonder if she's now at school.

I ready my school uniform, then after that I went to the bathroom to shower.

It took me five minutes before finishing my shower then I wear my uniform. Then went infront of a mirror.

"This is it sinb! Exoect her to say yes," I told my self then chuckled.

I started combing my hair. Then went down stairs to prepare my breakfast then after that I ate it and I'm off to school.

I just walked my way to school cuz' it'll just take 15 minutes before I get there.

While walking I'm thinking how would I ask yerin my question, is it on a sweet way or a humbke way. Argh! I can't of a nice way.

Would it be 'Yerin, you think this is too fast but can I ask you to be my girlfriend?'


'Hey, yerin! Uhm *put the strand of my hair at the back of my ear* c-can you be my girlfriend? *pout*'

Geez! That's not so me

Or maybe 'Yerin! Be my girlfriend! Now!'

Too bossy. Argh!

Maybe later I'll just ask yuju or Umji. Yesterday, Sowon and Yuju didn't came back. They said they will just go to comfort room but then they didn't comeback after that.

I wonder where they are.

As I went at the campus I saw Yuju walking on the hallway wearing her headphones.

I run towards her then poke her at the left and when she looks at the keft I immediately went to her right side then she look at me then laughed.

"Ow sinb! hahahah I thought it was someone else," she said then out her headphones back in her bag.

"So, how's it going to our two lovers?" she asked teasingly. And I just looked at her while holding my smile to appear.

"We are not yet lovers," I said then started walking.

"But soon to be lovers," she said then tease me.

When we pass by the cafeteria area we saw some students together and something they are taking picture. We, Yuju and I are both curious so we went there then saw a familiar girl.

My eyes widened when I realize who it is, then she looked at our direction and she smiled widely.

"Eunbi!!" then she went to my direction and hugged me tight.

"I-I can't b-breath.. Le-let off," I said to her. Good thing she let off and I catch my breath then after I recover she wrapped her arms around my shoulder but then Yuju removed it and pulled me to her side.

"Who are you? Don't be so close to my friend's girlfriend," Yuju said with braveness.

"And, who are you? Who are you to talk to me like that? Do I know you?" Saeron asked.

Saeron is my childhood friend but ever since my mom and dad died. And also the time that my relatives took care of me and take me away from my hometown where saeron and I used to be playmates.

And when I reached my teenager that relative of mine who took care of me passed away since they are old then that time, Yerin was searching for me and her aunty decided to keep me.

"Saeron? Is that really you?" she looked at then smiled and she nods at me.

A smile appeared on my face then I hug her,"Omo! You've changed!"

"Of course! It's been years Eunbi-ah, you look..so beautiful," she complimented and I thanked her for that.

"Done? Because we are going to be late, let's go sinb-ya," I was about to hug her again when Yuju take me away then drag me to our room.

"Ya yuju! What was that for? You're so rude to saeron," I said to her as I sit on my chair.

"Her name is saeron?" I nod.

"Tch, I just don't feel comfortable to her, and it seems that she's uo to something," I chuckled.

"Hahaha you think? Saeron is a nice girl, I've known her since I was a child, don't think such things ok? And where's yerin? Why isn't she still here?" I asked.

"Uhh maybe she's going to be late?" she's unsure of her answer.

"Hmm maybe," I just shrugged my shoulders. Then the teacher came in but there's still no yerin.

Where are you?

A/n: There you are. What do you think of this chapter? i'm sorry if it's a bit too lame. Please be patient for the next chapter. And also put your thoughts in the comment section. Kamsa! <3


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