Chapter 16

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Elizabeth and Sklynn finish drawing and they sit on my bed with me and we do my nails and play with the babies. Hayes wakes up

"Morning Hayes" Elizabeth says laughing

"Morning" he says confused and half asleep

Hayea goes to the bathroom in my room

"Are you guys serious" we hear Hayes in the washroom

We all laugh and he comes out of the washroom. He laughs

"Ok we are going to go and we will let you rest" Elizabeth says smiling

They leave and Hayes sits on the chair

"Hayes come cuddle" I say smiling

He comes on my bed and we lay together

"Please don't leave me again" I ask him

"Promise" he says smiling

The babies cry and we feed them and then 10 minutes later we change them. Well Hayes does because I am still suppose to stay in bed. Hayes sits back on the chair and a doctor comes in

"Hello Mrs.Grier, I am doctor Faith and I am here to help you get back on your feet and walking" doctor Faith says

She comes to my bed and she helps me up and we walk out of my room and she helps me walk down the hallway. She leaves me with a walker and I walk around by myself. I fell like I am eighty years old. I walk back to my room and Hayes and my babies are gone

"Nurse someone" I yell

A nurse comes into my room

"What do you need madam" the nurse asks me

"My husband and my babies are gone" I tell her in a painic

"Calm down I saw your husband and one of his friend holding your babies walking around, they left to walk around" the nurse says

"I am going to kill him" I say laughing

She leaves and I lay down on the bed. Nash and Hayes come back with Seth and Shylana

"Hayes and Nash Grier, I am going to kill you both" I tell them

"I am sorry babe, I want to show Seth and Shylana around" Hayes says putting Shylana in her crib and Nash puts Seth in his crib

"Visiting hours are over" A nurse says coming into my room

She leaves

"OK see you tomorrow" Nash says leaves

Hayes sits on the chair and he falls aslwas aeep and I fall asleep


I wake up with the sun shinning and Hayes is awake

"Hayes babe did take for the babies all night" I ask him

"Yes" he says coming and kissing my cheek

I go into the washroom and I change into regular clothes finally and then we sign some papers and we go to Hayes car. The nurses wheeled me out in a wheelchair with Seth and Shylana on my lap. We put them in their car seats and Hayes drives and I sit in the back with my babies. We get home and we go inside

"Surprise, welcome home"  everyone yells

"Awe thanks guys" I say

Meghan comes and hugs me then Elizabeth comes and hugs me

"Wow You bounced back you looked amazing" Elizabeth says

We put the kids in their room and we all hang out on the couch.

"So new parents" Meghan says smiling

"Hayes honey I am going out with Stacy and Meghwn, can you please take care of the kids" I ask him

"Are we" Stacy asks me

"Yes we decided this awhile ago" I tell her

"Oh yea" she says smiling

"Ok babe have fun" he says smiling

We get up and leave. We get into my car

"Even though I am so tired and want sleep, but I haven't drived in awhile and I haven't had an fun in 9 months" I say smiling

Meghan and Stacy laugh. We get to a restaurant and we sit down. I order a gin and tonic and we order food and chat and we eat. We finish and I drive back to my home and I park in my driveway

"Bye have fun" Meghan says

They go to thier house and I go inside mine. I sit on the couch with Elizabeth and Chad

"So Hayes and Hayes are going to digi tour, are you going with them" Elizabeth asks me

"Probably not, I have two kids now and I need to be there for them and when are they going and where" I ask Elizabeth

"They are going to tomorrow and they are going to California, Los Angeles and Dallas Texas " Elizabeth says to me

"Oh cool" I say smiling

"Did you not know" Elizabeth asked me

"Nope, I was not told by anyone" I tell her

"Well we are going to bed" Elizabeth says getting up

"Night" Chad says smiling

I like him, he is like a dad to me. They leave and I go up to my room and I find Hayes packing. I sit on the bed.

"So digi tour" I ask him

"I meant to tell you but you were pregnant and then giving labour so I thought the birth of my children are more important" Hayes says smiling

"It OK" I tell him smiling

"You, Seth, Shy and Tristen can come too if you want" Hayes says coming and sitting on the bed with me

"No I finally got a hold of my dad and I am going to meet with him and the lawyers to sign the papers to give you and I legal custody to Tristen" I tell him smiling

"Awesome, well let's get some sleep" Hayes says smiling

We lay on the bed and cuddle and we both fall asleep

*the next morning*

I get up and walk downstairs to see Skylnn and Tristen sitting on the couch with Chad and Nash watching TV and eating fruity pebbles

"Nash Grier, you feed my brother and soon to be legal son, Fruity Pebbles for breakfast" I yell joking around

"Lily Grier, he likes it and how did you I did and not Chad" Nash says smiling

"Because everyone knows you love fruity pebbles" I say smiling sitting on the couch

We all laugh and they go back to watching TV

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