Chapter 18

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I wake up and I look around and there is white walls.

"Why hello Mrs. Grier, how are you feeling" a ladys voice I have never hears before

"I am sore but what happened, where am I" I ask her

"Lily you were in a car accident and you are in the hospital, you have a broken ankle and your head has damaged pretty hard" the ladies voice tells me

"Where is my son, Tristen Caniff or Tristen Grier, he just had his name changed" I tell her trying to sit up

"Mrs. Grier he is in the bed beside you but he is in a coma, so please lay back down" the lady says again

"OK do they know if he is going to be OK, or when he is going to wake up and when can I leave her and how long have I been here" I ask her laying back down

"He is OK, but we don't know when he is going to wake up and you can leave tomorrow and you have been her two days your accident was not yestarday but the day before" she says to me

"OK thank you, and did they find a phone" I ask her

"Yes, we left it on your side table for you" she tell me

I turn over and look at my side table and I grab my phone and I look at it and I have 10 texts messages and 3 miss calls and a voicemail

3 texts from Hayes, 2 from Meghan, 1 from Stacy, 3 from Elizabeth, and 1 from Taylor, and 3 miss calls from Hayes and a voicemail from Hayes

I look at all the texts

From Hayes: Hey how are you

From Hayes: omg I heard what happened, are you OK

From Hayes: Lily?????????

From Meghan: I heard what happened, Stacy and I are coming to see you

From Meghan: we came but we weren't aloud to see you, hope you are OK

From Stacy: hope you are OK

From Elizabeth: where are you, are you OK?

From Elizabeth: Omg I heard what happened, hope you are OK and I will take care of your babies

From Elizabeth: we are coming to see you in a few hours, the doctors said you were awake and they said we can see, I will bring Seth and Shy

From Taylor: I am leaving the tour and coming to make sure you are OK, I heard what happened and I am worried about you and Tristen

"Well I am going to go, call me if you need anything or if Tristen wakes up" The nurse says leaving my room

I listen to my voicemail from Hayes

"Hey babe, I am so sorry that I put you what I put you through when I left, I am so sorry, when I got the call that you were in the hospital hurt I almost dead inside, I know now that I love you and you only, I am sorry and I hope you can still be mine when I get back. I love you baby" Hayes voicemail said

I almost cried, so cute. I text them all back

To Hayes: I am OK and I listened to your voicemail. I love you too babe

To Meghan: Hey I am awake now, I am fine, broken ankle but I am fine. You can come and see me now

To Stacy: I am fine, sore ankle but I am fine now :)

To Elizabeth: thank you for being there for my babies, I owe you big time and you messaged me today about seeing me so I will see you in a couple minutes, please leave my babies at home with Chad, please

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