Chapter 28

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We get up in the air and then about 2 hours later we land and we all get off the plane and we grab our bags and we all get into two different cabs to get to our house. We get to our house and we drop all of our bags and get into my van ( I got a van 3 years ago) I drive, Hays gets into the passenger seat, Chris and Crawford get into the second row, Tristen, Seth and Shy get into the third row. I drive to the airport and I park the car and I run inside without Hayes and all them. I go to the front desk

"Hello how may I help you" the front desk lady asks me

"I need Lauren Caniffs room she is in labour" I tell her

Hayes, Crawford, Chris, Seth, Shy and Tristen caught up to me.

"Oh yes she is in room 314" the lady says

We all walk to the elevator and we wait for it to come down. It comes down and we get in and I text Taylor

To Taylor: Hey we are coming up now we are in North Carolina and we are in the hospital elevator. See you in abit

He texts me back right away

From Taylor: Hurry room 314, Lauren is going into Labour now and she is telling us, she wants you here now

The elevator stops and we all get out.

Lauren and I have been getting really close lately. She is my sister in law so we have been hanging out a lot. She is the niceat person ever and she is perfect for my brother

We get to her room

"Lily" Lauren yells

Hayes, Crawford, Chris, Seth, Shy and Tristen stay outisde the room. I go to her bed

"Lauren stay clam, breathe" I tell her

"Lily Grier I am gonna punch you in the face if you tell me to calm down and breathe one more time" Lauren yells

"Where is everyone else" I ask Taylor

"They all went back to my place with Nash" Taylor tells me

"Wait is Shawn here" I ask hin

"No" Taylor tells me

"Can we save the chit chat for later" Lauren screams

"Lauren, we need you to push now" the doctors says


Lauren pushes for 1 hour and a half. Finally a baby girl comes out.

"What are you gonna name your child" the doctor asks Taylor and Lauren

"Kate Lee Caniff" Lauren says smiling

"OK we are gonna take Charlie and then we are gonna do some tests and make sure he is a healthy baby" the doctor says

Taylor leaves the room and I sit on the chair beside Laurens bed

"Thanks for being here" Lauren says to me

"No problem but if you ever threaten to punch my Face again I will actually punch you in the face" I joke around with her

"Did I actually threaten you" she asks me

"Yup" I tell her laughing

She laughs

"I am sorry" she says to me smiling

"Its OK" I tell her smiling

Taylor comes back into the room

"Well its like noon and my babies are all probably hungry so I am gonna go and feed them and drop them off at home and come back or stat home if you want me to come or stay" I tell her standing up

"Can you come back and can take Taylor with you and Taylor honey go home and rest" Lauren says to us

"I don't have enough room for Taylor, if I leave Shy or Seth with you I can take him and then take Seth or Shy home when I go home at visiting hours" I tell her

"Keep Tristen here and take Taylor with you" Lauren says smiling

"OK" I say smiling

I go outside her room

"Tristen honey can you stay with anuty Lauren and I am gonna drop Seth, Shy, Daddy, Uncle Taylor, Chris and uncle Crawford at home and then I will come back and I will being you some food" I tell Tristen

He goes into Laurens room and Taylor comes out. We all go into my van and I drive home. Everyone gets out

"Bye babe be safe and I love you" Hayes says smiling

"Bye love you too" I tell him smiling

"Bye sis and make sure that Lauren is safe and that my baby girl is safe" Taylor says to me

"I will" I tell him

I drive back to the hospital but I stop at In and Out first. I text Lauren

To Lauren: I am going to In and Out and Starbucks. What do you want from both of those places and what does Tristen want?

I go inside In and Out and Laure  texts me back

From Lauren: we both aren't hungry but I would like a caramel frap and Tristen would like a cotton candy frap

I decided not to get In and Out. I drive to Starbucks and I order and I drive to the hospital. I grab the Starbucks and I go to Laurens room. I walk inside her room and I put their Starbucks down and they take their Starbucks. Tristen sits back down on the chair and I sit beside Lauren on the bed. Kate is in her crib beside Lauren on the other side

"Thank you" Lauren says smiling

"No problem" I tell her smiling

"How is Kate" I aks her

"Good" Lauren tells me

"Well that's good. Taylor is very worried about her" I tell Lauren

She laughs. We talk for hours and hours

"Visiting hours are over" a nurse tells me coming into Laurens room

She leaves

"Well we better go, we will be back here tomorrow" I tell her smiling

She smiles and we leave. We go back home. Tristen goes to bed and I sit on the couch with Hayes.

"How's Kate and how is Lauren" Hayes asks me

"Good" I tell him

"That's good" Hayes tells me smiling


Authors note: thanks for reading and I hope you like the book :)

Sorry if its so short. I dont feel so well :( I promise tomorrow I will have an update

Love you all and thanks again for reading


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