Chapter 6 - Story of the Pale Mistress

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Locke and Isabella have already arrived back to Bunny Village. The Bunnits are wondering if they disposed of the Lamia that was causing trouble. Locke and Isabella tells them the good news, but they have to tell the grim news of the rest of the Bunnits' fate in the cave.

"I see..." said the village elder. "At least, you two got rid of the Lamia... I'll have the villagers go to Emerald Cave to retrieve their bodies, so we can give them a proper burial."

The village elder orders the men to venture to Emerald Cave to bring back their loved ones, so they can rest easy in the afterlife once they are buried in the village's cemetery.

Locke follows Isabella to her home. Since Locke has so much to ask Isabella, it is the perfect place for him to do so away from the villagers. Once inside the living room, Isabella tells him to sit down on a white couch as she sits beside him.

"You're not going to freshen up first?" Locke asks, looking at her ragged appearance.

"I could ask you the same thing," she replied. "Besides, you must have come here for a good reason, Locke."

"Well..." said Locke. He explains everything to Isabella about the Bloody Cross and the corpse he found in the depths of the Island of Woe.

Isabella pieces the recent events and Locke's story together in her mind. Suddenly, it all began to make sense to her now. "First, I have to say what the bloody hell you were thinking!?" Locke is taken aback by her comment. "You put the whole world at risk just to satisfy your curiosity!?"

"I-I know," Locke nods his head in shame. "But, if I didn't go, then the dreams will persist."

"But, there's always another way to go about it," said Isabella. "There's no need to further need to scold you, since it's too late now."

"What should we do?" questioned Locke, not knowing what to do. He then remembers his fairy orb shine a bright light, protecting him from the undead corpse. "Oh, that's right! The fairy orb I wear had protected me from the corpse. If I can somehow use its power, I can take on the Pale Mistress!"

"You make it sound too easy," said Isabella, still thinking Locke is a fool. "But, I would be lying if I said I didn't like your optimism." Locke took a glance at Isabella's face and notices her smiling at him. "I'll tell you what I know about Blanche aka the Pale Mistress."

She then looks at Locke's bloodied appearance, "Since the story will be a long one, let's get ourselves cleaned up."

"Much agreed!" Locke says while looking at his clothes.

Locke and Isabella both gets off of the white couch and goes into the washroom with the lady going in first.

It was forty-five minutes later after the two of them freshen up from the bath, Isabella especially as she enjoyed the soothing bubble bath. She is also relieved that Reiza did not ruined the place during her absence. They are now dressed in comfortable white robes and slippers.

Making their way to the dining room, Locke sees that Isabella has quite expensive taste in furniture and utensils. The silver bowls has delicious-looking food in them with silver forks, spoons, and a chalice next to them.

"Wow, my sister never mentioned to me that you have expensive taste!" Locke comments.

"Did she mentioned that I'm eccentric?" she giggles.

"She did!" Locke laugh with her.

Locke and Isabella both sit down at the table. After they finished eating, Isabella begins to tell Locke the story of the Pale Mistress, "Long ago, there was a woman who called herself, 'Blanche'. She is a vain woman who always put herself before others. Everyone thought she was very selfish and rightfully so. She never cared about anyone, but herself."

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