Breaking the Promise

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He saw Gwen make her way into the library. She had many books in her hands, and as she was making her way into the library a guy bumped into her. Not just any guy. It was Flash. Books covered the floor, and Peter could almost feel Gwen's annoyance. Flash quickly picked up all the books from the floor, and handed them to Gwen. Peter used his keen hearing to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"Uh, I'm so sorry, Gwen," Flash apologized.

"Don't worry about it," Gwen replied. She looked at Flash and her brows furrowed. "Flash, what are you doing?" Now it was Flash's turn to be confused. "Huh?" Was all he said.

"What are you doing at the library?" Gwen continued. "It's not exactly your favorite place in the world."

"Oh!" Flash realized her confusion. "Believe it or not, I checked out a book, but it was due so..."

"Oh, really? What book was it?"

"It was for Biology. I needed to study and get my grades up."

"And did you study?" Gwen raised one eyebrow.

Flash chuckled. "Umm, I just haven't had time..."

Gwen nodded. "I see. Well, see you later, Flash." Gwen went back into the library.

Peter sighed, and put his mask back on. It's been weeks since he's been able to be around Gwen. "Able" as in being around her in peace without worrying about his promise. Although he has slipped and has accidentally kissed her in the last few weeks, and maybe they might have gone on dates, but then he would say it was all a mistake, and he would see her face and would want to kiss her again; he wouldn't. Ever since he made his promise, he checks on her everyday. Yes, it may seem a little stalk-ish, but he will take what he can get. At least he has memories. A memory of them kissing for the first time. A memory of her tending his wounds after he fought with the lizard. Her hands were so gentle, soft, loving. Peter sighed again. God, this is so hard. The situation becomes even harder after he thinks of the many moments he shared with Gwen, and the ones he imagines. Before Gwen even started to talk to him, he had this humongous crush on her. He would always imagine talking to her, and when he finally did, his imagination went wild. He started imagining her lips against his, and when that kiss actually happened, he started imagining more things.

Peter shakes his head. He needs to not think for a while. Peter looks out into the city. Although he's on the roof of a building, there is another building in front of him that blocks the breath taking view. So sitting peacefully and staring off into nothing is out, but who said he wanted to do that anyways? Right now he wants to feel weightless. He wants to feel like he's flying. Peter smiles beneath his mask. It's time to go for a swing.
Peter makes his way into the classroom with his head down.

"Parker," the teacher said, "Late again?" Peter raised his head to look at the teacher.

"I'm sorry, Mrs," Peter responded. The teacher gave him a look. "What have I said about calling me 'Mrs', Mr. Parker?" The teacher chastised.

"Sorry, Mrs. Wicks," Peter apologized. "I promise-"

"Again with the promises you just can't keep," Mrs. Wicks exclaimed. At that sentence Peter felt his stomach do a double flip, and he could swear he heard Gwen take in a breath. "Take a seat," the teacher finished the conversation. Peter made his way to his seat, and as he passed, Gwen looked away and out to the window. He took his seat behind Gwen and set his backpack down. This was complete torture. Everyday he had to sit behind her and smell her magnificent scent, but today something more was added on to the torture.


Flash transferred into this class three days ago and sat across the classroom, but today he sat in an empty desk next to Gwen. Peter saw as Flash passed a note to Gwen. She hesitated before reaching out to it. Flash watched her with a smile and Gwen returned a smile after reading the note. Peter gritted his teeth and accidentally broke the pencil he was holding. He let out a small breath and reached down to get another pencil from his backpack. As he came back up he saw Flash staring at Gwen's thighs. Peter felt his hands shake, and he suddenly felt an intense hatred towards Flash...and skirts.

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