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He made his way past the crowd of people. He loved New York and everything, but sometimes it was a pain in the ass. Especially during the holiday time, when the amount of tourists would triple. His thoughts were interrupted by the sight of a beautiful blond. It's like everything else turned black, and she was the only thing he saw. He instinctively smiled as he walked up to her. She was looking everywhere trying to find him, yet she didn't see him approaching. When he was close enough, she finally saw him. She greeted him with the most beautiful smile. As he made his short trip towards her, he admired her. She had straight white teeth that complimented her naturally rosy lips. Her blond curls cascade down her shoulders, and her eyes, oh her eyes, he could just get lost in those deep blue eyes.

"Hey," he said in his usual awkwardness. Her smile turns into a grin. His awkwardness was just one of the many things she loved about him.

"Come on," she said. " it's freezing out here." They made their way into Cafe Cluny. There was a crowd of people surrounding a table. Peter heard "I love your acting" "I'm such a huge fan." Two girls made their way to their table. "Omg, I can't believe I just met stonefield. Aren't they such a cute couple?!"

Peter swallowed. He only wished he could have a normal relationship like every other couple. They sat at a table and ordered. They talked and laughed and smiled for who knows how long. He lost track of time.

"I'll be right back. I need to go to the restroom," he announced.

"Okay," she smiled up at him as he stood up and made his way towards the restrooms. If he even dared to laugh one more time, he would wet his pants. He frowned as he made his way back. Flash was at the table talking to Gwen. He quickly approached the table. Flash looked up and smiled.

"Oh, hey, Peter," Flash greeted him. Flash no longer bullied Peter. He actually tried to talk to him, but Peter just couldn't be friends with him knowing he still has feelings for Gwen. Peter just gave him an empty smile.

"What are you doing here?" Flash asked. Then realization hit in. His eyes darkened. "Oh, you're here with Gwen."

Peter smiled a wicked smile. Finally! Peter casually scooted next to Gwen. Both of them were facing Flash, who was sitting at the other end. Peter intertwined his hand with Gwen's. "So, Flash," Peter could feel Gwen was uncomfortable. "What brings you here?"

"Just stopped by for some hot cocoa." He smiled too sweetly at Gwen.

"All by yourself?" Peter said in a mocking voice.

Flash ignored him. "Are you okay, Gwen?"

Gwen's eyes widened. "Yeah, why?"

"You must have hit your head pretty hard if you agreed to go out with this loser."

"Loser?!" Peter exclaimed. In that moment he wanted to scream how this loser saves people everyday. "Peter," Gwen says as she squeezes his hand for reassurance. "I think we should go, and Flash," Gwen turned her attention to him. Flash looked at her expectantly. "Stop being an asshole." Peter smiled at Flash's stunned face. Peter stood up and was followed by Gwen. They walked out of the cafe hand in hand, and left an angered Flash inside.

"You don't have to worry about Flash," Gwen said suddenly. "Or anybody for that matter. "

Peter sighed. He can't really control his jealousy. "You wanna come to my place?" He offered. She nodded.
Peter unlocked the door and let Gwen go in first. She stepped into the small but cozy house. "Where's your Aunt May?" She asked.

Peter smiled internally. "Working."

"Oh," That was all Gwen managed to get out.

Peter suddenly lit up like a Christmas tree. "Oh! There was something I wanted to show you." He led her up to his messy room. "Please don't make a mess," he said sarcastically. She giggled in response.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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