Hittin it hard

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As I entered the strip, I went to the center pole where I was requested. "Come on baybeh shake dat ass fo me ma" so I start workin my magic dancin around the pole and sexily climb my way to the top. all I felt was dollars hit me I look down and there musta been $400 just sittin there so I made my way down the pole and sexily bent ova and picked it all up and put it in my bra before I walked off. As I was just about to go into my dressing room Kyle comes and tells me that the client I just striped for wants a dance. Now I'm not all for dances but I gotta do what I gotta do, so I went out and gave him a dance and raked in some decent cash. As I was about to walk away he grabbed my arm "Aye baybeh ion know bout chu but I'm feelin ya, hea's my numba give me a call some time Ight beautiful" I blushed hard and giggled and said "Ight handsome I'll give ya a call tomorrow" he smirked "my names August, August Alsina. and you are?" I smiled and said "Bambi" "Nah baybeh, I'm mean Ya real name not cho strippa name" and laughed and said "Kareena" he smirked "ooh I like the sound of dat name" he winked and I giggled and walked away. I'm not gon lie he was fine as hell so I had no problem meeting up wit him. I went back to my room and got dressed and then low and behold in comes Alani "OH MY GOD!" She squealed. I looked at her "boo why you gotta be so damn loud fo?" And she laughed and smiled " Kareena! You got August Alsina's number!!!!!" I turned back towards my mirror to gather my things and said "okay I don't get the big deal" "Kareena! He's August Alsina! Singer/rapper" I shook my head "okay and what's the big deal he liked the way I looked and moved so he gave me his numba I don't unda stand why you goin crazy" I said as I laughed Alani just laughed shook her head and walked out. I shook my head grabbed my bag and walked out to my car. I pulled outa the parking lot and to the traffic light, and could think of nothin but August's fine ass.

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