To Meet Again.

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The icy breeze was shut outside by a blonde haired girl, closing the door behind her and another blond. She let out a sigh as the loud Christmas music filled her ears and the smell of strong alcohol and cheap perfume wafted past her nose. She squinted a little bit since there was a dim glow to the place, apart from the stage which was well lit. The girl flattened out her crisp, black blazer and looked to her right to see the other blond who tightened his red and black striped tie.

"Hey, Sam, I'm gonna head to the dance floor." The tall girl called out over the deafening music, her hand pointed over her shoulder at the crowd of drunken people. Her eyes scanned the beautifully decorated room, covered in white and gold.

"Already? Brittany we just got here?" Sam fixed his hair as he tried to reason with the blonde, but she wasn't going to budge.

"Yep that's why I'm here. To catch up and party." She answered back, already walking away from a dumbfounded Sam, shrugging her shoulders. The blonde turned her back as a small smirk fell on her painted, red lips. She knew what she was doing and it wasn't dancing...

Brittany's aqua blue eyes rapidly searched the crowd and her gaze landed on some of her friends faces, Kurt, Rachel, Tina. But those weren't the people she wanted to see, it was the Latina she wanted to see, with the intriguing dark eyes, after all the last time she saw her was when they broke up. That made the blonde's heart sink at the thought. Has she moved on? Is she with someone else? However those thoughts were quickly pushed aside when she noticed the beautiful figure that she once loved, or still loves... Santana Lopez.

Without hesitation, Brittany practically pushed her way through the crowd, her heart beated faster the closer she got to the dark haired beauty. But now, she was stood right behind her, she felt small, smaller than Santana herself. Her hand reached out and tapped Santana's bare shoulder, Brittany's fingers tingled at the touch of her bare skin, god how much Brittany's missed that smooth, tanned skin on her fingers.

Santana's head whipped around, her eyebrows furrowed as to who just tapped her on the shoulder, but her face softened when she saw Brittany. A wide grin crawled on Santana's face, making the blonde's heart skip a beat. "Oh my God! Britt!"

"Hey Santana..." Brittany mumbled, the corner of her mouth curving up as she saw the Latina's flashy smile and it warmed her up instantly. "How are you?"

However, that question wasn't answered with words, it was answered with a long, comfortable hug, the hug that they both missed so much. Santana wrapped her arms behind Brittany's neck and slightly brushed her fingers on the back of the blonde's neck, making the little hairs stand on end. They stayed like that for a little while, but just as Brittany was about to pull away from hug, Santana pressed a soft, tender kiss on Brittany's cheek.

Though the kiss didn't stop there, the Latina's lips travelled to the blonde's jaw line and then to the shell of her ear where Santana whispered to her, "I've missed you so much." Brittany was in shock, but also in awe. Her mouth was open, but no words left, so Santana continued, "Like so much."

Santana pressed another kiss just under her ear, before she just went to hugging the blonde again, she looked over her shoulder to see an uncertain Sam glancing over at the two. Somehow Brittany sensed that someone was staring at them and she whispered to the brunette, "Sam's looking at us, isn't he?"

"Yeah, and? Come on, let's go to the bar." Santana pulled away from the hug, which made Brittany frown from the loss of contact, but the brown eyed girl quickly held onto Brittany's pinky finger and held on tight. A small smile appeared on the blonde's face as she was dragged through drunken, sweaty bodies who sung along to the music, until the two stopped at the overly crowded bar where they somehow managed to find a spot.

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