-Memories of Old-

467 22 3

-Flash Back-

Laughter filtered the air as the soft pad of bare feet walked over the early spring flowers. He watched in wonder as his wife turned to smile to him, she was beautiful. They had spent days walking through the same meadow, never tiring of the same view.

"What are you staring at?" The woman tilted her head to the side, her long hair slipping off her shoulder. The man smiled back and wrapped his arms carefully around her from behind, "You my love." He rested the side of his head against hers as they stood in the middle of the swaying flowers. Much to his wife's complaints he always told her that he never deserved anything so perfect. The man would thank the Gods each day for creating something so stunning. The woman took her husband's hands and placed them on her swollen stomach, he could feel the gentle kick under his palms.

"Any day now..," She sighed in contempt, the man nodded and interlaced his fingers with hers, "Come," The man led his wife back towards the shrine perched at the top of the meadow, everyday at noon they would be visited by the Gods of their shrine. Everyday they would bring something new which they had created for their people. The couple strolled into the busy gardens that surrounded the main shrine, the joyful laughter of adults and children filled the air. It was a special meeting today; it marked the day that humans were created. Long wooden tables were being placed and set in rows along the edge of the gardens, women were laying out fleshly cut flowers as mischievous children ran widely over the grass. The two lifted their joined hands as a small group of children ran past them. A very annoyed Sugawara walked past them with a small smile, "Honestly... they're such a handful." The woman laughed and placed a hand on Sugawara's shoulder, "That's what happens when you adopt four Suga."

"I have told him this..," Daichi came up behind Sugawara and held a handout to the man, "... It's been a while Daisho."

Daisho took Daichi's hand and shook it firmly, "I'm glad you could make it this time." Daichi laughed in a state of embarrassment. The year before Daichi and Sugawara had travelled from a distant shrine and arrived late, practically missing the whole day, they had issues with their kids. After a brief talk of how their shrines had held up during the winter, Daichi looked over Daisho's shoulder and snorted. Sugawara was laughing with Mika about bringing up kids, "You look like you're due Mika." Mika nodded and whispered something into Sugawara's ear which made them both break into a giggling fit.

Daichi gave Daisho a look of sympathy, "I wish I could say this gets better, but it doesn't." Daisho waved it off, he didn't mind in all truth. If it made Mika smile he was willing to get used to it. Daichi took Sugawara's hand and dragged him in the direction that their children had ran off, "You'll have to excuse us whilst we go find some monsters." Sugawara smacked Daichi's shoulder, "Those monsters are your children." Mika laughed behind her hand as they left. She wanted something like that and so did Daisho.

"We'll have a family soon enough my love," Daisho kissed Mika's temple.


As the day progressed to night, the gardens soon filled with scents of freshly cooked meats and fishes. Lanterns were hung and a large bonfire was lit in the centre. Daisho was standing among a group of several other leaders, even though it was a night of celebration preparations had to be made for the rest of the year.

"We need to move our crops further east; the soil is filled with salt blown from the sea," Oikawa placed his drink onto the table and looked to Daichi, "It means moving closer to your territory." Daichi thought for a moment before replying, "What if we shared the fields and crops, it could provide an equal split for both our shrines." Oikawa smiled and wrapped an arm around Daichi, "What would I do without you!"

"Die," Bokuto and Kuroo made their way over to the table, snickering. Oikawa pouted and crossed his arms over his chest dramatically, "Rude... Wait you can't say anything you literally lead a shrine together." Kuroo shrugged and sat sideways on the bench opposite Oikawa, "That wasn't our decision."

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