-Enemies of Old-

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Warning this chapter contains graphic violence so if you are uncomforable with this skip to the '***--***' which is further down in the story. The first half is summarised in the comments if you wish to do this.

Oikawa walked leisurely over the overgrowth, his wings brushing over the large ferns that lined a narrow path. The sun was sat just above the trees, its rays seeped through the leaves like reaching golden fingers. The distant call of birds littered the air, Oikawa welcomed the sound. He always found peace in moments like these in the forest, whether it was in the cold and rain of autumn or warmth of summer. He breathed in heavily through his nose, the fresh smell of tree moss and the scent of the scattered flowers fragranced the air perfectly in his opinion.

The breeze started to pick up near Oikawa's feet, rustling the small forget-me-nots at his feet. Oikawa smirked and crouched down; the small flower stood out against his paler skin. He picked it and held it up to the sun, it was a small beauty. It's ironic that its usually forgotten among the other flowers.

A flash of green shot past him, knocking him slightly off balance. Oikawa yelped and shot to his feet, his heart suddenly beating harder. He frantically looked for any sign of what had flew past him, there was nothing.

"Iwa-chan?" He called out; his shoulders tensed at the nearby snapping of a branch.

"Alright you got me! You can come out now," Oikawa jumped and stared up at the sky, a small flock of birds had suddenly shot into the sky.

"It's not funny so come out," Oikawa pouted and placed his hands on his hips. No one came out. Oikawa turned and hurried down the path, this wasn't good.

"You're right Tooru it isn't funny at all..," That voice. That voice was too familiar. A sharp snap of branch above his head alerted him, a heavy boot connected with Oikawa's shoulder. Oikawa was sent sharply into a trunk of a tree, his head spinning with the impact as he slid to the floor. Daisho smirked slyly, his jacket glinting emerald green as he crept closer to Oikawa, "This seems familiar doesn't it." Oikawa gritted his teeth as he braced his shoulder with his hand. Daisho placed a boot to the side of Oikawa's head as he leaned in, his eyes glinting over the black glasses perched on his nose.

"Long time no see Tooru," Daisho laughed lightly, Oikawa flinched at the closeness of Daisho's face.

"H-how are you al-alive?" He shuttered. Daisho frowned playfully and placed a finger to Oikawa's lips, "I'd thought you'd be happy to see me Tooru!"

He didn't reply, Oikawa was too shaken to form words.

Oikawa pushed himself up against the tree, he could feel the bones in his shoulder in places they shouldn't be. There wasn't much point in shifting, he wouldn't be able to get far with a broken arm. Oikawa could risk flying in his current form; if he stayed low it might work. He looked Daisho in the eye before using his good arm to shove the palm of his hand upwards. Daisho grunted and stumbled backwards, a hand to his cheek. Oikawa wasted no time; he took to his feet and ran down the dirt track. He spread his wings and pushed as hard as he could off the ground.

Two arms forcefully wrapped around his waist and pulled him back down. They hit the ground in unison, mud spraying as Oikawa's face hit the hard earth. Oikawa's breath came in short as he tried to get back up, the loud ringing in his ears disorientating his vision. He was pretty sure he was bleeding; he just didn't know where, it hurt all over.

Oikawa could hear just hear Daisho's laugh over the loud ringing, "Little birdy trying to get away from me already I see." The sound pierced Oikawa's ears, it was too loud. Everything was too loud. He blinked away the tears blinding his sight as he struggled away from Daisho, his nails digging into the dirt.

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