Chapter two: Moving Day

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Lui's POV:

I can't believe it. Of all the people, the 7 billion people in the world, my mother just had to get married to the father of my biggest rival.

And my biggest regret.

Memories flash through my mind; I remember all those sleepless nights where I just laid in bed, wondering what would have happened if I had never injured the eye of Shu Kurenai.

Would we not have been rivals?

Could we, possibly, have been friends?

I don't know. And I never will.

Because if there's one thing I know for sure, it's that Shu Kurenai hates me.

With every fiber of his soul.

I'll never be able to redeem myself. Never be able to apologize. I'm too arrogant to do that.

But sometimes.......

Sometimes I wish things were different.

Sometimes I wish I had friends. Someone to rely on. Someone I could share my feelings with.

I'm supposed to be Lui Shirosagi. The White Tyrant. The Winter Knight. I'm supposed to be cold, heartless, rude.

But I'm not.

I'm Lui Shirosagi. Just a teenager looking for a friend.

That's all I am.

Shu's POV:

Lui Shirosagi. Just hearing that name gives me chills. I reach up and touch my eye. Feel that rough scar, a reminder of what he did to me.

But a tiny voice at the back of my mind says:

"Remember the look on his face when he hurt you?"

And I do. I remember.

The fateful day, as I knelt on the floor, clutching my eye; for a split second, his face showed pure shock. He looked terrified. And deep within that fear, there was a tiny hint of regret.

But all that was quickly masked underneath that cruel facade of his. Within seconds, Lui had turned back into the heartless villain that the world knew him as.

The tiny voice speaks again.

"He's human too, you know," it chides.

I know that. I know people make mistakes. I don't want to belive it, but I know that Lui didn't hurt my eye on purpose.

I can't forgive him, though. He humiliated me. In just a single burst finish, my entire reputation was ruined. But can accidents be prevented?

I don't know. All this is giving me a headache.

My entire life, I've just wanted someone to lean on. Someone I can just be myself around.

People have high expectations of me; they expect me to know everything and never do anything childish.

After all, I'm supposed to be Shu Kurenai. Serious, mature, the epitome of calm.

That's not who I am.

I'm just Shu Kurenai, the fifteen-year-old. I'm still a kid.

Shouldn't I be allowed to act like one?


Shu's POV:

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