Chapter sixteen: Family is forever

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A/N: Listen to the song above. It's perfect.

"LUI! GET UP HERE!" Shu yelled down the stairs.

"WAIT! ONE MORE LAUNCH!" came the reply.

A few minutes later, Lui walked up the basement stairs, sweat running down his face-

to be met by a very pissed-off Shu wearing an apron.

"Jesus, Lui, you've been training for, like, seven hours. Don't overwork yourself."

"If your muscle fibers get overused, they tear apart and become stronger and thicker," the Winter Knight said curtly.

The albino rolled his eyes. "Great excuse. I know you want to beat Akuma, but seriously, you have to eat. You're malnourished."

"I'm battling Akuma for your sake, Shu."

"I know, and I'm flattered, but still. Eat." He placed a plate full of spaghetti in front of Lui.

Lui almost ignored the food. Keyword: almost. It was too mouthwatering to exist, and soon, he was shoveling it in his mouth and asking for seconds.

Shu gave him an alarmed look. "Etiquette, Lui. You have to twirl the pasta, not shovel it in your mouth. And why are you using a spoon?"

"You were right, I am malnourished. Now gimme," Lui said greedily, ignoring his brother's taunts.

The Beast Blader sighed and went back to sautéing the onions.


Shu checked his inbox one last time before making his way up the stairs. It was getting late, and he was tired.

"Hold up, you didn't eat," Lui intervened.

Shu stopped and smacked his head. "So that's what I was forgetting!"

"Are you actually kidding me? You're bothering and pestering me to eat, when you literally forgot?" Lui was irritated.

Shu scratched his head sheepishly. "Oops."

Then he saw Lui's fuming face. 

"Jeez, I didn't think you'd get this worked up!"

"You do realize that this is the third time in a row you've forgotten to eat, right?" the Dragon Blader demanded.

Shu shrugged. "I'm surprised you care."

Lui sighed, then trudged forward and hugged the albino. "I'm not as heartless as you think," he said softly.

Shu seemed thoroughly shaken up when Lui pulled away.

Then he smiled.

Fifteen minutes later, Lui was snoring on the couch, and Shu had fallen asleep in his now-cold spaghetti.




"You ready?"

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