Chapter 1: Who Are You?

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Note: I'm not sure if it was the UK or England who controlled the colonies. If you know, please tell me.

A/N: Well, let's begin! (If you notice an update, I'm editing any mistakes. I'm silently crying at my old writing being so... yeah.)

Massachusetts POV:

It's a tough choice. Rather dad gets yelled at, or me being known. I knew it had to be done. It may seem dumb, but I can't see dad suffer anymore for foolish mistakes.

Washington D.C's POV:

"Come on Massa! You don't have to do this! You know the dangers right?" I yelled.

He's never gonna listen. Massachusetts is one of the most stubborn states out there. Either way, we're gonna have to be shown later on to the countries. The thirteen (or now twelve) original colonies are legit climbing on Massachusetts to not let him go. Heh.

"Please don't do this to us Massachusetts. You know dad said not to." Delaware pleads. "Especially if it's just to give dad his project. It's not worth it!"

America's POV:

UN Meeting
New York City, New York
9:36 AM

Oh god! Where's my project about global warming? UN is gonna scold me for forgetting it again. It's not like he has to deal with a load ton of work and take care of 50 states (plus one capital. The territories are overseas right now.) To add to his anger, I was late for the meeting. I'm doomed.

This is starting to get annoying. I keep forgetting everything and I'm usually late! One day I think I might give my job to D.C.

"The United States of America, where is your project or speech? You know this is a serious project right? It seems like you're not responsible enough!" UN yells while adjusting his glasses. "You're a superpower. Act like one."

A few Countries snickered, of course! Only if they knew. Well, Nada (Canada, my brother I suppose?) and Russia knew. They understand and stand up for me for this situation.

The door suddenly opened.. who was that?

"Hey, pa.." Massachusetts says, looking directly at me, "I got your project!"

I looked around to see most eyes on me. Russia and Nada sweating, looks like my secret is out. It was bound to happen, but I didn't have any time to prepare,

"Bloody hell, America! Who's this child?" Britain yelled at me.

Massachusetts gave me a glare of 'I'm gonna kick his butt later. I gave him a 'you wouldn't dare'. We don't need a repeat of the American Revolution.

"Just go introduce yourself." I sighed.

"I'm Massachusetts. The 6th state admitted into the Union. Nice to meet you all." Massachusetts muttered, strangely calm for the situation his father is in!

Britain's face was pale, already knowing what he did to this child. Massachusetts just smirked at his expression.

3rd Person:

Massachusetts walked up to the Tea Man and whispered, "Remember the Boston Tea Party?"

Some countries heard and were asking what it meant to Britain. He was overwhelmed by the amount of attention he had on himself.

"It's..." Britain glared at Massachusetts for the situation he was in, "something he did to me. I'm not going into any details."

While the few countries and the state were talking about the Boston Tea Party, practically everyone was throwing questions at America.

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