Chapter 29

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Sonic's POV

We all charged and attacked. So did Avalon. Our swords clashed like it was music, and everybody was dancing to it. This kind of reminds me of the battle before Kianna died. I started to tear up a bit as I fought the people from Avalon.

You can do this hedgehog. For Camelot. If you need help, just say the magic word. A voice said in my head that sounded like Kianna. I noted what it said, and kept fighting.

Thanks. I replied in my head. Bombs flew everywhere as we fought. Avalon VS. Camelot. Who will win?

(Guys I will respect you forever ((I already do but oh well)) If you make a picture or cover or whatever that says Avalon VS. Camelot. That would be amazing! Please tag me or private message me or something if you make a picture or cover for that and put it on an artbook or something.)

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