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Andria POV

"Calum Thomas Hood get your ass back here!" I shout

I walk quickly out of the bathroom with my phone in my back pocket. Calum is sitting down on a couch with his phone in hand

"Calum How much of that conversation did you hear?"

"not much besides all of it" he says smirking at me

"but dont worry Andy, you seem tense, all I know is that you're kind of a nerd, you're not this confident being all the time, and you're quite the opposite. Oh also, you're basically in love with me."

I feel so embarrassed, but I can't let him see that, that is exactly what he wants. I cross my arms and start tapping my foot

"Oh please, i barely like you, let alone love. I will never love anyone again in the way you're thinking." I scoff

"Awe is the princess afraid to love someone?" He says, standing up off the couch

"You seem very tense love" He says as he goes behind me

He starts to massage my shoulders, and it feels great honestly. He leans into my ear and whispers "Now imagine how great I could make you feel baby"

I close my eyes and slowly turn around so im facing him. I place my hand on his hip, slipping my thumb under his jeans, rubbing small circles. he places a small kiss to my neck. I stand up on my tippy toes and whisper in his ear, and say "obviously not good enough, baby" and i saunter off, swaying my hips a little.

Luke walks in right then and I smile at him "hey lukey"

he seems surprised, "well for someone who fell off the bed you surely woke up on the right side" he says with a smile. I chuckle and hold out my arms for a hug

"hey, im sorry for being such a bitch, im normally never like that, i just got scared" i whispered into his ear.

he nods, understandingly, and hugs me tightly.

"oh and don't tell Calum I said that, the others, sure, but not Calum, he's being a butt" I say with a small pout.

He smiles and ruffles my hair

"Okay i take it back i didn't mean it" I say as I poke my tongue out at him.

"No you meant it!" He says

"Nah" I smile at him

He runs after me and before I could run, Luke wraps his arms around me and starts tickling me.

I laugh and giggle trying to tell him to stop at the same time.

"Say Luke I love you so much and you're so hot oh my god"

"FIne! Luke you're so hot like oh my shit and i love you so much, now let me go!"

"Only because you asked so nicely."

I looked him and tilted my head a little to the side "hm," I say

"Yo homie wanna whatcha movie?" I ask

"That's the most American sentence i have ever heard." He says, slightly shocked

"Fine I will find Michael and ask him to watch a movie." I stick my tongue out at him

"No, I would love to watch a movie just saying, homie."

I giggle at the use of my word.

"Okay, aussie, what do you wanna watch?"

"Spongebob." he says confidently

"Did someone say spongebob? I am in!" I hear across the bus, then Ashton comes running in with Michael behind him.

"I said movie but okay."

They all went over to the couch and laid across each other and michael turned the TV on. I stood there, amused yet awkwardly, not sure what to do.

Michael looks up to see me standing there with a fading smirk and rocking on my feet looking around.

I look back up and I don't know what to do.

Luke POV

We're watching Spongebob and Michael lifts his head. I look too, and she's looking around at the ground and lightly swaying on her feet. Michael was about to say something but she looks up and in that moment Calum was in front of her.

"Hey babe." He says

She rolled her eyes, which I find confusing.

"Im not your babe, don't call me that." She places her hand on her hip.

He tucks some her behind her ear. She looks down and he makes her look up. He starts to lean in to her and suddenly she smirks and does this cool thing and put her hand behind his neck and forces him down and she kicks the back of his knees down. She grabs his arm and pulls it behind him, a way it shouldn't bend.

"And I am the one who is in love with you?" She scoffs "As if." She spits and lets go of him. She walks over to us and sits down in between Michael and I because we sat up. Ashton was oblivious to the whole thing, absorbed in the world of Spongebob. Calum stood there with shock and amusement on his face.

Andria looked at me. "You good?" I ask.

"Of course, I'm always good. I just noticed your arm, that's all." She smiled.

My arm was around the couch, and behind where she just sat down.

"Sorry." I say, removing my arm,

"I didn't care." She says simply.

She sighs after a few minutes and runs her hand through her hair, keeping it in for a second at the back of her head. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, and you could tell she was uncomfortable with her head on the coffee table behind the couch. I lift her head up slightly and place a pillow underneath. She smiled. "Thank you." she whispers.

I ruffle the top of her head. She smiled again. Everyone started falling asleep, if they weren't already. I start drifting off when a blanket is placed on me.

"I'm always good." they whispered. It was Andria. She started to walk off.

"Stay." I said softly, half asleep, opening my eyes.

She looked at me, but she wasn't really. She seemed to be having a battle in her own head.

"It won't be comfortable, it's a damn couch Lucas." She says.

I get up and walk past her, more like stumble, and grab her hand and pull us to my bunk. I lift her up and place her in, crawling in after. "Stay." I said, placing my lips on her forehead. "Stop thinking, it's been a long day." I say before falling asleep.


She smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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