Chapter 5: The Sixth Sense

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I didn't have time to draw a full picture for this chapter (I have summer school now T_T) but my lovely friend Ashley drew this for me. (I noticed I accidentally wrote in another chapter describing the black fur hellhound with blue eyes but in reality, I meant to say red eyes. Ops?) It's the red-eyes and the amber(orange)-eyes hellhounds :)

~ Ms. Loba

~The next day Dipper was still pouting from last night. It's not like he wanted to prove to everyone that he was telling the truth but at the same time he still felt extremely embarrassed from the way they all looked at him; as if he was crazy. Why would he ever lie about something like that? Sure, it sounded crazy, but he isn't untrustworthy or crazy like Old Man McGucket.

"Have you seen Old Man McGucket?" Dipper asked. Mabel was walking right beside him.

Mabel placed a finger over her chin to think it over. "Hm, no I have not."

"How strange," Dipper muttered.

"Why? He's always going off somewhere."

"Yeah, but every night he hides in our garage just so he could ask me the same stupid questions and tell me that I'm just as crazy as him."

Mabel pondered on what he said a little before nodding, "I guess you are right. Maybe his son finally was able to keep him inside?"

Dipper wasn't sure, but that was the most likely answer. He just found it strange that last night he didn't see him hiding somewhere. But then again his son has been trying his best to keep the crazy old man in one place. "Yeah, probably." Dipper finally said.

"Anyway, let's go back to the topic of your love life," Mabel suddenly blurted out. Dipper couldn't help but roll his eyes and try to pick up his speed ahead of her. But she too kept up with his pace. "So I've been checking a whole list of girls that are here in Gravity Falls that are just as nerdy as you-" That's when Mabel stopped talking, suddenly getting a thought. "Dipper."

"What?" He asked, not holding back the tone of salt in his voice.

"Well, there aren't a lot of girls that are as weird as you so I was wondering if, maybe, this is just a thought-" Mabel paused for dramatic effect as Dipper stopped walking to look her in the eyes.

"What's wrong with you? Just ask the question." He said, a bit confused about what could be such a revelation about his love life.

"Well, I was wondering whether it's okay to add boys to the list..." She trailed off, now not able to make eye contact with Dipper.

Dipper was confused by the question. "Boys?"

"Yeah, boys. As in dudes, pals, males."

"Yeah, I know what a boy is, Mabel. I AM a boy." Dipper frowned at her sister's comment knowing full well it was stupid. "And no, I'm straight-" suddenly Dipper stopped talking. Mabel frowned, confused about why he stopped talking but he looked to be lost in thought.

Dipper was lost in thought, he felt like he had said these words before. Almost like Deja Vu. He was trying to remember, why did he suddenly get this feeling? But that's when the all too familiar feeling appeared again. The sense of something there, watching him, stalking him. He quickly looked around, feeling a sick feeling in his gut as if something was wrong or something bad was going to happen but he wasn't quite sure what.

"Dipper?" Mabel called, trying to get his attention. "What is wrong? Is it no?"

"Uh- do you see anyone or anything?" Dipper asked which only made Mabel frown even more.

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