Part Two

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   Chapter 2

I tried to hold back a laugh, from their expressionless reaction. Yet, I was still wondering when we would meet our teacher. In about five minutes our teacher entered the room ,and I couldn't say I wasn't impressed. Our teacher carefully placed her hunting bow and arrow on her seat as if it was a small delicate baby. She faced the class, she looked very young , and her beauty was so stunning , yet her face was stern and authoritative and the class quickly became quiet as if someone had told them to. She had mesmerizing green eyes resembling the color of the forest leaves. Her pale skin was as bright and vibrant as the moon with light freckles spread across her nose . She had her dark ginger hair in a side french braid that trailed over her shoulder, with a small marble star and little purple flowers clipped to her hair. Infact, her red was so dark it practically looked as if it was on fire .Much like her presence and appearance, her voice was very beautiful, but also maintained a stern manner.

"Hello, class my name is Artemis. I will be your Archery teacher for the semester. Most of the people here are in this class ,because we are trying to find out who your other parent is , so we're testing what your gifted skills are."

she said softly. I had stopped paying attention, why were those annoying girls here they clearly knew why their parents were. As if she was reading my mind she quickly responded with "The students who know who their parent is , are here , because they are just interested in learning this important skill". But, what I didn't understand was that she kept mentioning other parent, I never knew either of my parents. I was left in an orphanage when I was a couple months old. For some reason, no one had ever wanted to adopt , so I remained in the orphanage for fifteen long years. Finally, a man who claimed to be my uncle decided to enroll me here, he had told me I was a descendant of the Olympian gods. He was always extremely vague anytime I questioned him about my heritage ,and who my parents were. He never specified which parent was an Olympian god, and I never pushed further. After class, I approached Artemis's desk, wanting to ask her a few questions. I wrung my hands nervously, and shifted my weight on one foot. Artemis was cleaning her arrow diligently ,as she wrote a few notes on parchment paper. " Hello, um... Miss Artemis, if your free can I ask you a few questions." I said quickly. Artemis turned to face me , she half smiled at me"Of Course". She replied, she softly spun her palm in the air, and small chair appeared in front of me. My eyes widened, and I carefully took a seat. Although, I had seen students perform magic , it was very cool to see it coming from a goddess. I took a deep breath " Umm... so I am one of those people who don't know who their parents are." I said " So.. I was hopi-" Artemis immediately interrupted me "I am so sorry for the interruption, but did you just say you didn't know who both your parents are". "Yes " I nodded slowly, not understanding her sudden outburst. She immediately stopped, her intense green eyes flickered at me ,and a few strands of her red hair was obstructing her face , but she didn't seem to care. She cleared her throat and shook her head not knowing what to say . The strong concern she was displaying was worrying me " Is there anything wrong ?" I inquired. She took a deep breath as if she was trying to soothe herself "If you don't know one parent that is fine, then your like most of the students here, but if you don't know who both your parents are that's concerning." My body became stiff and rigid as if I was a deer caught in a headlight. I raked my dark hair , as I stayed quiet not knowing what else to say. Artemis could tell I was in a confused ,and flustered state so she didn't add anything else new to my plate" What's your full name ?" she asked quietly. I thought about the question, the thing is I never really knew my last name or middle name ,but recently my Uncle accidentally revealed it to me. To be honest, I didn't really believe him but that was the only information I had.

"Clarrisa Rose Jewel" I responded firmly. Artemis's emerald eyes studied my face carefully, wondering if I was telling the truth. She clucked the roof of her mouth with her tongue , and slowly nodded to herself. " I have some work to do now about we meet tomorrow to discuss this". "Sure." I responded. As I stood up Artemis swirled her wrist once more and the chair vanished disintegrating ever trace of our conversation. 

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