Part Five

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Chapter 5

My eyes stared at the ceiling fan as it rotated over and over. I haven't slept ever since I went to bed at nine, and now it was one am. Outside my room I heard frantic voices and loud sounds , my lack of sleep quickly subsided and I curiously crept out of my room, and followed the noises. I halted in front of my Uncle's bathroom, and I carefully hovered behind the half opened door. At first I say something I didn't think I saw. Instead of my Uncle, I saw a tall attractive man with dark blue eyes, and dark ginger hair. I was positive I had seen that shade of red hair before, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I had very keen eyesight ever since I was born , but now I was doubting that I had seen someone who wasn't my uncle. I rubbed my sleep deprived eyes, and glanced at the man . Once again I saw the same man who wasn't anything like my uncle . He spoke in a quiet, and tense voice , and as a I leaned forward I caught a glimpse of him holding a mirror. However, the reflection in the mirror wasn't his own, it was Artemis." What were you thinking why would you even work there ?..... how could you be so foolish ?" he demanded. Artemis gazed at the man softly , it seemed as if his harsh words didn't affect her calm state. " I know you sacrificed so much... but it must be revealed you and I both know that." she answered. "What will happen if father knows you broke your vows " The man said sternly , his dark blue eyes were full of anger and worry. Artemis hesitated , after about a two minutes she responded" I understand your concern... and I will deal with it" she said firmly. The man rubbed his eyes frantically " Artemis you don't understand how serious this ma-" but Artemis had vanished from the mirror, and he saw his reflection instead He snapped twice, and his blue eyes and red hair disappeared, and gray eyes and dark blonde hair took its place. I was stunned , my uncle changed his appearance to talk to Artemis ...but why. What were they even talking about.. who is their father, and what should they reveal. My head hurt from thinking too much as I sadly watched tears spill out of my uncle's gray eyes, he slid down the door to the floor and wept.

The next morning I was dazed from the lack of sleep I got, and the frantic conversation I witnessed between Uncle and Artemis. Although, I was excited about my new problem solving class, and construction and design class. I was also nervous about meeting Artemis which was at the end of the day. I took a seat in my first class of the day ,and tried pushing all the worried, and negative thoughts out of my mind. As I expected our teacher was none other than Athena. She had wavy chestnut hair , and alluring gray eyes. Her eyes itself were more descriptive than her other features. Her gray eyes were serene , intelligent and honest. Yet, her eyes also displayed a vindictive ,mysterious , and cold side as well.

" Hello students, as you know I will be teaching the problem solving class for this semester . In this class we will be taking world problems, and try solving them in various ways to test our intelligence, and creativity. This is a tedious and difficult class, so if you would like to enroll in a different class it's fine by me it will just be your loss. Any other questions ?"

She asked sternly. I was so absent minded, and deeply in thought in the beginning of the class that I hadn't noticed the annoying girls I met yesterday. Amber raised her hand, and Athena nodded her head . Amber stood up as if she was asking a very important and deserving question "Mothe-" she began ,but immediately but stopped in her tracks ,because of the flashing look Athena had sent her. "Miss Athena I....never mind ", Amber grumbled as she took her seat. The class snickered ,and it seemed as if Amber had only gotten up , just to show off that she was Athena's daughter. I mean how were those obnoxious girls even related to Athena. Athena is so worldly, and wise, and her daughters were not even close to that. Speaking off Athena's daughter I was curious if she was my mother. I mean deep down maybe I am her daughter. I studied her face, her dark brown hair is similar to my black hair .... I guess ,but her gray eyes weren't anything close to my turquoise blue eyes.

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