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Lina sighed languidly as she sat comfortably on the couch, watching her favorite Kdrama unfold before her

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Lina sighed languidly as she sat comfortably on the couch, watching her favorite Kdrama unfold before her. Blatantly gasping as a twist occurred in her show, the girl curled her legs up to her chest as her wide eyes stared at the screen, not even bothering to look as her hand searched for her popcorn.

Lina jumped when a knock on her door echoed through the house, and she groaned in irritation- eyes following the screen as she rose from her seat.

Making her way to the front of the house, which wasn't far, the girl cracked open the door, promptly sighing.

A boy with bleached hair stared back at her, his dark eyes malevolent and sharp as his lips pressed together. Dozens of silver piercings lined his ears, accompanied by an slit that streaked up his eyebrow to give him the classic bad-boy look. An oversized hoodie clung to his body, and numerous stains littered it- a suspicious red blotch evident on his sleeve. Cocking a brow, he pushed past her and entered the house, making the girl roll her eyes.

"Well, it's good to see you after a month, Renjun," She quipped, eyes narrowed in resentment.

Renjun didn't reply, and instead entered the kitchen, which was only a little ways away from Lina, and she glared at him from the door as he went through a few cabinets without a word, which wasn't uncommon for him.

"Mom and Dad are on a business trip," She added, yet her brother just continued to riffle through cabinets, "What are you looking for?"

"First aid kit," He deadpanned, prompting the girl to sigh.

"Again?" She asked, and he nodded passively.

Walking over to him, she yanked out a drawer that protruded from the kitchen counter, and handed him the small, white box with a Red Cross decorating it. He snatched it out of her hands, and his eyes wandered towards the still-open door once again before his gaze fell on the girl once again.

"Oh yeah- don't freak out," He muttered, and Lina's eyebrows drew together.

As if on cue, the almost-closed door blasted open, and a quiet yelp escaped Lina's lips as she flinched backwards, eyes wide as she watched.

Her breath hitched violently as three men burst in- dragging the third between them as his feet limply trailed against the floor- his arms slung around the other's necks.

Blood trickled from his stained-red jeans, creating a stream of the liquid that lead into the house as he was hoisted into it, and the girl's eyes grew to the size of plates as she glanced over him.

The bottom of his shirt was utterly soaked by blood that refused to dry, and the brunette boy that dangled between the men's eyes were drooping- barely open as his head languidly lolled around, a thin, delusional smirk quirking his lips.

The boy's brain was being beaten with a hammer of anguish as his body continued to feel increasingly light weighted, almost as if he was flying as blood leaked out of him- causing his mind to fog and his head to spin.

His sickly, pale face was coated by sweat, and his clothes were torn and ragged as blood seeped through the fabric, yet he was barely aware of it all as he fought unconsciousness- struggling to keep his eyes open.

His breathing shallow, his finger twitched as he stared into oblivion, his glazed eyes drifting aimlessly around his surroundings.

A worried squeal crawled from her throat, and Lina's face contorted in concern- eyebrows viciously knitted, eyes wide, and lips clamped together.

Three boys and a single girl rushed in after them- promptly closing the door behind them as they ushered the injured boy in.

"Renjun what the fuck?!" She cried, whipping around towards her brother.

He shrugged passively, and whether he cared for his dying friend or not, he didn't show it.

"He needs to go to a hospita-"

"No," The boy mumbled, sighing harshly, "Too many questions- I mean, he has a stab wound."

Lina's jaw dropped open as her eyes shifted back to the bleeding boy, a shrill squeak of panic rising from her lips.

"A STAB wound?!" She screeched, and Renjun nodded.

"Relax- he's been stabbed before," Renjun uttered, and a breathy, incoherent shriek stammered from Lina.

A tall, scrawny boy who walked in behind the bleeding boy glanced towards Lina, and his eyes narrowed subtly as his eyes hitched on the red string on her finger- eyes following it.

"Renjun, who is she?" Jisung asked, stepping closer.

"My sister, why?" He articulated, and Jisung grimaced as he thought about his answer.

"They're- they're soulmates," Jisung murmured lowly, rubbing his nape.

Eyes widening even further, Lina's eyes snapped towards her finger, and her gaze trailed over the red string attached to it as it winded onwards- connecting to the injured boy's pinki. She gasped quietly, covering her mouth with her hands as her eyes darted around wildly, stomach wrenching with an unfathomed feeling, accompanied by severe anxiety.

"What?!" Renjun exclaimed- noticing it himself.

Jisung flinched at Renjun's fiery tone, and his eyes watched as Renjun began to pace- running his hands through his hair in stress.

"Fuck no!" He denied, gaze twitching between the soulmates, "What if we just kill Haechan before they touch, no one really cares about him anyways-"

"You're not going to-why would you-? Oh my god- what do I do?!" Lina panicked, and she began to pace alongside Renjun, which was quite an alarming sight to Jisung.

Praying that the girl wasn't anything like her brother, Jisung chewed on the inside of his cheeks as his eyes dropped to the only other girl in the room- Yang Rin, Chenle's soulmate- and wordlessly begged for some form of help.

The petite, korean girl met Jisung's gaze, her pinkish lips accentuating her star-like freckles as her chocolatey eyes shone like fudge in the dim light, a quiet sigh falling from her lips.

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