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Valentine's Day- the day that all soulmates became magnets, and Lina had somehow, for some reason, decided she was going to spend it in her room, locking the door to prevent any intruders, and to keep herself from bursting from her room on instinct

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Valentine's Day- the day that all soulmates became magnets, and Lina had somehow, for some reason, decided she was going to spend it in her room, locking the door to prevent any intruders, and to keep herself from bursting from her room on instinct.

Now that is determination.

Feeling constantly, gravitationally pulled by Haechan, the girl had even considered tying herself to her bed in hopes of keeping herself away from Haechan, but had decided against it- blasting music in her ears and trying to keep herself distracted instead of going up to her soulmate and doing... whatever she would do.

Of course, her constant attempts to focus her mind on anything but the alluring thought of her soulmate, became increasingly difficult as she heard the distant murmurs of Chenle and Rin- a pair of soulmates- sharing quality time with each other.

Speaking of which, Lina wasn't even sure why all of NCT Dream was staying at her house; they had said that they were going to camp out there until Haechan was healed, because they couldn't trust him to be on his own, but Lina could feel that he was almost healed due to their occasional contact- the pair only felt soreness.

Lina had been hearing a frequent whispering echoing through her narrow hallways, yet whenever she entered the rooms to hear better, the gang always quieted- acting as if nothing had happened, which was suspicious.

Her family's apartment wasn't that big either- it only had three bedrooms, a large closet that they named a guest bedroom, accompanied by a cramped bathroom, along with a living room that flowed into the kitchen, but it was all quite minuscule.

You may be wondering how all 8 members of NCT Dream, including Rin, plus Lina fit.

Well, Jaemin, Mark, Jisung and Jeno slept within Lina's parents' room- Jeno and Jaemin the floor with Mark and Jisung hogging the bed, half of them remaining sleep deprived due to the uncomfortable ground. Chenle and Rin stole the 'guest bedroom' since they were the only official couple in the gang, and no one really wanted to roll as a third wheel in that relationship.

Renjun slept in his own room, and threatened everyone around him that if he caught them in his room, he would break their jaw, then carve their heart out with a screwdriver, so no one slept in his room. Not a soul dared to become roommates with Lina because they were all the opposite gender, and were all much too awkward to do so, especially since they barely knew her, which was rather typical.

As for Haechan, no one actually knew where he slept.

Supposedly, he slept on the roof, but others suspected that he slept on the couch, and a few members of the gang assumed that he just didn't sleep- wandering the halls, or even sneaking out without a wink of slumber.

But, no one knew.

Lina's eyes- desperately trying to find something to distract her from the bond that pulled her towards Haechan- drifted across her vast bookcase, filled with dozens upon dozens of novels that stretched across her wall, almost obscuring the pale paint that hid behind it.

Books were stacked every way that a book could be stacked- straight up and down, laying sideways, leaning diagonally as large books towered over the short ones, laid in a strewn manner across the tops of vertical lines of books, and some were even shoved into the accumulation of literature open in order to fit- exposed pages cluttering Lina's sight.

She had read every book that crowded her shelf, and she was in desperate need for a new one to read.

There must of been at least a hundred books that stood proudly on her wall, but she had blasted through them quite quickly, for reading was always deemed her 'thing.'

She was always reading- whether it was snippets of articles on her phone, signs and billboards, newspapers, or an actual book- Lina couldn't prevent herself from surrounding her with thousands of literate words, and couldn't bare being without a new novel to sink into.

Lips pursing together, the girl glanced down at her dull phone as a bright, bluish-whitish glimmer shone upon her cheeks, rapidly losing the ability to focus on the most addictive thing she knew of- the internet.

Mind droning farther and farther away from the report about an approaching meteor she was currently absorbing herself in, her eyes wandered away from her screen, wondering what her soulmate was up to.

Turning off her phone with a soft click, Lina blankly stared at her surroundings, feeling the hollow emptiness of spending Valentine's Day alone, subconsciously chewing upon the inside of her cheeks.

Mindlessly, the girl rose from her seated position and began to pace to the door, curiosity getting the best of her.

Without thinking, Lina's fingers wrapped around the doorknob when the sudden realization struck her; if she sought him out, Haechan wouldn't deny her presence, and would surely want to play with her emotions- doing whatever he could just die some amusement.

Lina knew his type, well, not to his degree, but the type of people who were addicted to adrenaline, found glee in chaos, and entertainment from affluction. The kind that would sell their left toenail for a cigarette, perhaps murder someone for a drug, or whatever Haechan was into- Lina wasn't sure, but she knew he was trouble. The variety of people who would crash their car, on purpose, just for a rush, or just a sliver of excitement, even.

Who knew? Renjun was right, he was unpredictable, and no one knew what Haechan would do for a bit of entertainment.

Letting her head press onto the cold surface of the door, the girl's vigorous grip on the door tightened as she attempted to rip her hand away from the only thing that lead her to her soulmate, yet it refused to part with the knob.

Expelling a harsh sigh, Lina's eyes clamped together as her fingers choked the door handle with all of her strength, finding it increasingly difficult to refrain from turning the it. It took all of her will to simply stay still, rather than shifting her hand slightly to the right to release herself out into the open- afraid that she would do something stupid if she exited her prison.

But, Lina's hand blatantly refused to detach from the cold metal of the handle, leading her to believe that she was going to remain paralyzed in place for quite a while.

It was going to be a long night.

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