Chap. 4 Freshest Friends, Saddest Ends

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"Where are we going?"

"You'll see, soon!"

Two skeletal kids in a forest, the beautiful scenery almost breathtaking. Thick tree growth surrounded them as they ran, hopping over fallen trunks and darting around rocks as they sped by.

One child wore multi-coloured, bright clothes, his one eyelight sparkling with interest, as well as the SOUL in his other socket. He ran as fast as he could,  just being able to keep up with his friend, who was darting past obstacles gracefully, his long sleeves flying out behind him as he ran.

"You look like a ninja, @^E3!" He called out to his friend. They looked back, their heterochromatic eyes flaring with genuine happiness. He smiled a sharp, toothy smile, the other couldn't help but do the same. The two boys held two lamps each, He carried a green one and pink one, while the one up front had one red, one blue.

Soon enough they had come across a clearing, a big one at that. In the middle was a very large, lushious oak tree, sturdy with age. Scattered on the large greenery, were many other lamps like their own, multiple different colours glowed from each one. It was marvelous. The brightly coloured boy couldn't resist the urge to gasp. On the right was a nice pond, crystal clear waters showing all the beautifully scaled fish inhabiting the watery place. Near the pond were two stumps to sit on.

"Did you do this, @^E3?" He asked, very astonished. They nodded, a prideful smile on their face. "What do you think, Fresh?"

"I love it, broski!"

*** *** ***

" Uhh.... Fresh? You there?"

Fresh jolted ever so slightly, moving his head up to look over at his eldest brother, Geno CQ. Geno wore a black muscle T-shirt and a white jacket, covering up the eternally bleeding wound that had been recently bandaged up. He wore black skinny jeans and white high tops, a pretty casual attire despite being in a survival game.

Geno constantly looked tired, but still held a worried expression on his face. There was a white cloud glitch covering his right eyesocket, obscuring it from sight, as well as a thin trail of blood coming from his mouth.

Why was he bleeding? Fresh could only describe it as what it's like to have a half-dead brother.

Fresh looked away, avoiding eye contact with him as he listened to the announcer. "-As you all now know, The Harvest will begin during the middle of tonight, 12:00 sharp. You all have the rest of the day to train."

"If you don't know already, the weapons in the training room can be taken into This Harvest's location, or if you already have any weapons yourself, they are also usable during the game." Fresh's hand twitched, itching to reach back and firmly grasp the the set of katanas on his back, memories flooding in with no restraints.

*** *** ***

"Wow! These are for me?"

Fresh stood infront of his friend, who held out two beautifully patterned katanas. The handles had the imprint of a chinese dragon, the red a black blade shining in the sun. They were in the forest again, the same spot, same big oak tree.

"Of course! You may be young, but that doesn't mean you can't learn early! I started when I was only five!" He said ecstatically. A smile broke out on Fresh's face as he eagerly took the weapons, being careful as he held them close.

"Thank you,@^E3!"

*** *** ***

Fresh could remember the first time he ever recieved the beautiful blades attached to his back, they were given to him by his closest friend. Tears began to well up in the corner of his sockets, but he forced them to stay there. Nobody could see his eyesockets anyway, they were covered by his shades.

The Harvest (A multiship,Crossmare Sanscest Story)ADOPTED BY NIGHTMARESHADE_SODAWhere stories live. Discover now