Chapter 5 - The Colonel

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The Devlin's were down to one car, Carol's Toyota 4Runner, and she had to go to work at the hospital that afternoon at 4:00 PM. Carol was a registered nurse in the intensive care unit, so her job was very important. She couldn't just call in and say 'my husband's car got wrecked so I can't come in today.' The insurance company said they would pay for a rental car, but Mike wouldn't be able to pick it up until Tuesday. It seemed like they would be stuck until then. Mike was trying to work out a schedule where Carol could go to work, and Josh could go to his baseball game, and Jenny could go to her dance class, and Mike could go to the church choir recital and on and on and on. I never realized just how busy the Devlin's were, and not having Mike's car was a huge inconvenience. It made me even madder at that hit-and-run driver. I needed to catch that guy.

The doorbell rang. I ran to the front door and barked, "Who goes there? Advance to be recognized!"

Josh opened the door. "Papa!", he yelled and gave his grandfather a big hug. Then he went to his grandmother and gave her a big hug, too. "Hey guys! Papa and Mimi are here!" Jenny came running and jumped into her grandfather's arms.

"Colonel! Sir!" I barked and sat at attention. It was Carol's father, a colonel in the U.S. Army, and recently retired. I was very excited to see him, but I held my tail stiff and straight, until he gave the word.

"At ease, soldier," said the colonel and gave me dog biscuit.

"Dad, Mom, what're you doing here?" asked Carol as they came in and gave her a hug and a kiss.

"Well, on the phone, it sounded like you needed another car, so we brought you the Caddy," said the Colonel. The Colonel had a Cadillac Sedan Deville, just like the one that hit Mike's car, except his was white, and much newer.

"That wasn't necessary, Colonel," said Mike.

"Nonsense, son. I'm not gonna leave a man without wheels, especially when he's my son-in-law. Besides, you need a good, reliable car in case there's an emergency with my grandchildren."

"Thanks, Dad," said Carol, "but what will you drive home."

"Oh, dear, we brought my car, too," said Carol's mother, Esther. "You don't think I'm gonna leave a man without wheels, especially when he's my husband." Everyone laughed.

Josh and Jenny insisted that the Colonel and Miss Esther stay for lunch. While they ate, the Colonel regaled everyone with stories of his life in the military. He didn't talk about the war, since Josh and Jenny were too young to hear those stories, but he did have plenty of funny things to talk about. And he especially liked talking about 'his boys'. The Colonel was a true leader, always concerned with the well-being of the men under his command. Every one of them was a hero in his eyes, and he was very proud of them.

"Of course, no one makes me prouder than this guy right here," said the Colonel, and he reached down and scratched me behind the ears. "So many of the boys owe there lives and limbs to this Belgian Malinois. Right, Deke?"

"Yes, sir, Colonel," I growl-barked and cocked my head to the left.

After lunch, the Colonel, Mike, Josh and I went to the junkyard. The Colonel insisted Mike could find parts to fix his Ford Focus cheaper than the body shop. Mike tried to explain that the insurance company would pay for new parts, but the Colonel would hear nothing of it. "You can pocket the difference," said the Colonel. Of course, the Colonel also mentioned he was looking for a few parts for a 1964 Chevrolet Corvette Fastback that he was restoring. I suspect that was the real reason he wanted to go.

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