8. Inner battle

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By the time they finished watching the video, they were screaming and crying along with it. They were mentally praising Taehyung for not going mad after all that he was put through that one night. But Jungkook had absolutely just one feeling coarsing through his blood. 



He had a slight feeling that the 'Jeon Jinho' in the letter was his brother. His brother started behaving odd for a year before running away. He was 18 when he left the house. The information fit. But he hoped. He hoped that he wouldn't be Seo Dae Shin. 

He hoped that there would be another Jeon Jinho in this country who ran away from their house at the age of 18 as well. 

But the second he saw the man in black, his hopes were crashed to the deepest pits of Tartarus. 

Those eyes.......

How many days did he spend sulking and moping around that he didn't get his mother's eyes and that his brother did? How many days did he spend admiring his brother's eyes? 

He had always been in love with those beautiful eyes that he didn't inherit from his mother. There was no way he wouldn't identify those eyes. 

The second he saw those eyes, he knew for sure that it was his brother. 

He stood up in a trance and ran towards the washroom. He felt sick to the stomach. He felt as if he himself was dirty because of all the times he played with his brother before he ran away. He felt ashamed to be the brother of such a man. 

Most of all, he felt ashamed to face Taehyung when it was his own brother that brought Taehyung to this state. He threw up everything that he had eaten for the day and fell on all fours and sobbed. 

He couldn't face Taehyung anymore. He couldn't look into his eyes anymore. His own brother killed Taehyung's brother, father and almost killed Taehyung and put him through so much torture that he still had to be sedated to have a peaceful sleep. 

He knew what he had to do. There was no way he could sleep before doing what he had to do. 

He was sure that he was the only person in the country who knew Seo Dae Shin's identity. His members might know him, but that was of no use. Someone other than his members knew who he was. And Seo Dae Shin had no idea that he knew. 

That was what he needed. And he needed help. But before that, he needed to get out of his friends' lives. There was no way he could face them anymore. He was too ashamed to do it. 

He got up, flushed the toilet and walked out of the washroom and found Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok hugging each other and sobbing. "I'll go home and bring my stuff here so that we can start unpacking" he said and walked out of the house without waiting for any of them to reply.

He went to the office in spite of it being so late in the night. He showed his identity card to the security and told him that he was here to clear his stuff. The security believed him. He switched on his computer and typed his letter of resignation. 

He placed it on his boss's table and came back to his desk to clear his items. He took his box of items and waved a 'goodbye' to the security and went back home. He packed them into the boxes that he was originally supposed to take to Taehyung's house. 

He had sold away his furniture after deciding to move in with him. Thus, he only had two suitcases' worth of clothes and a cardboard box that had his other items. He then went to the police station. 

He explained to them he was on an extremely secret mission that would benefit them in the long run and that he had to stay away from the people that he knew at present. Even though the police didn't buy his story, he managed to beg them to stop people from looking for him. 

He went to a mobile shop that was open in the night and bought a new SIM card. He blocked his old number and went back home. 

He requested the landlady to keep the cardboard box with her and promised her that he would come back soon to take the box. He told her that he wasn't moving in with his boyfriend. She found it weird, but accepted it nonetheless. 

Jungkook was one of the tenants that the owners never wanted to lose. Thus, she felt that this was the least she could do for someone who paid his rents on time and stayed in his flat quietly without creating any nuisance for her. 

He handed over the keys and stuck a note on his door that said 'Sorry. Don't waste your time searching for me. Move on'

'I will catch you, hyung. Wait. You are not a hyung to me. I can't call you that. I will make sure you pay for what you have done. Not just to my boyfriend, but you have done a lot to the country as well. I will make sure you pay for it. Just wait and watch. 

Count down your happy days, Jinho. It won't take long before I find you. Mainly because you have no clue that I am searching for you' Jungkook thought as he put his cardboard box and suitcases in his landlady's house and took a shoulder bag with just his essentials. 

He requested her to keep it a secret and not tell anyone about it. He didn't want them to know that he would come back for the luggage. He didn't want them to know that his luggage was still here. 

He decided to erase himself from their lives completely until he found his brother and put him in jail. 

He knew that it wasn't an easy task and that it might even take years for it to happen as he had to move in secret. He didn't want to give false hopes to Taehyung by saying that he would come back, which was why he had asked him to move on in the note that he had stuck to his door. 

He promised himself that he would come back and apologize for what he had done after he finished his mission. But he wasn't sure if he could face Taehyung even then. 

'It's better if he moves on' he thought as he adjusted his bag on his shoulder and took one last look at the house before turning back and going towards the bus stop. 

He had only one person to go. Someone who he had lost contact with in the past two years. Someone who didn't know about his relationship. Someone who knew his brother. Someone who was with him from the time he wore diapers to the day he wore his graduation gown. 

His best friend.....Yugyeom. 

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