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1573, first year of the Azuchi-Momoyama Period, early Spring

Kintsuke pursed her lips slightly as she listened to the report from her recently-returned scout.

"This human... What was he called again?"

"Oda Nobunaga."

"I see; and you're sure about this?"

The bird-like sprite perched on Kintsuke's fingers bobbed her head.

"I overheard the human clearly and was able to get a good look at his map. He will continue pursuit of the religious human sect he hunts, which will bring him even closer to Fuji-san. I have no doubt his ambitions to unite all the human colonies will bring his forces here as well in the near future."

Kintsuke nodded, continuing to listen as Tabi prattled off what she'd picked up along the way about the progress of a 'Sesshoumaru' to the north. The news was everything Kintsuke expected and feared it would be, full of violence and death and rage.

She restrained the grimace that threatened to sully her features so fair.

'Are you still searching for power, oh bloodthirsty daiyoukai? To what end? What is it all for? You've claimed the northern, eastern, and western provinces; will you come here next...?'

"Thank you, Tabi. Please, rest now."

She didn't have to tell the sprite twice. With a flick of the half-demon's fingers, Tabi fluttered off into the trees on the eastern face of Omuroyama. Tucking her arms into her sleeves as she mulled over the news, Kintsuke strolled leisurely back down to the safety of her underground fortress.

'Even I avoided the humans' Kyoto colony when I first returned. If this Oda person was able to take control of it by force, then he and his soldiers are not something that can be ignored like the rest.'

She could hide down here and avoid the coming fire altogether, but she had the residents of the mountains depending on her now to keep them safe. They were of average power, at best, and most were smaller even than she; definitely not a force to be taken into battle, even a defensive one on their own land.

'What to do...'

She was still considering her options when Yoichi arrived for his usual visit, and over a small meal she shared Tabi's news along with her own ideas

"Humans move slowly, especially in a force large enough to be a concern," he mused, "I expect we have at least a year or two before we start hearing of them nearby, let alone see them. Still, we should begin preparations."

Kintsuke nodded.

"My thoughts exactly."

The 'what' was easy enough to figure out; it was the 'how' that posed a problem. It would be simple enough to outfit the cavern and its connected systems of smaller caves to house the various demons under her protection; but what to do about food and water, fresh air, concealing the entrance? Neither she nor Yoichi knew anyone skilled in the demon arts of magic, and she did not usually fare well with water demons of any stripe, so she could not barter a deal with one to search her cavern floor for a hidden water vein.

She would have to employ her allies and resources again instead. Kintsuke didn't exactly enjoy asking for help from them, but the stinging of her pride was far less than the self-loathing she would feel if she failed to keep her word to the demons of the mountains.

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