As the years rolled by, Kintsuke and her slowly growing band of residents managed to smooth and polish the cavern and its structure until it gleamed. Narrow shafts dotted the 'ceiling', providing ventilation for the flames Kintsuke had planted in the braziers to provide light. They were simple and of a natural hue, but produced no smoke and gave off nominal warmth. It was her latest trick, crafted specifically for this purpose. The channels of adamant that ran along the walls and through the structure soaked up that light, scattering entire prisms of color across every surface and into the shadows. No one had ever disagreed; it was beautiful.
After establishing his own domain further south, Yoichi began to visit. At first, they simply exchanged rumors and the state of affairs in their respective areas over a cup of tea; quick, simple, easy. As time passed, however, Kintsuke found she enjoyed having him around and did not complain when his visits came more frequently and he began staying for longer. Soon enough Kintsuke was visiting his own home in return; they were hunting together, and even considering a combined effort in controlling the entirety of the sprawling range. Many peaks remained unclaimed to the south of Yoichi's, and he was inclined to finish what he had started in establishing a stable influence here.
"This range once belonged to my father," he told her one day as they strolled through one of the thatches of bamboo on the western face of the range, "I was still young when he was taken by Fuji-san while trying to help the weaker and slower demons there escape the fallout of its eruption."
"The edge of this range is awful close to Fuji-san, are you certain you want to put yourself at such a similar risk?"
"I am a creature of rock and earth the same way you are one of fire; I do not fear injury or death at the hands of the mountain gods."
It didn't make sense to her, but Kintsuke accepted it, agreeing to the idea on the condition that Yoichi maintained the southern half of the collective range. She didn't need a surprise lava flow to remind her that she wasn't fireproof.
Kintsuke had to admit, she found his centered and calm countenance touched slightly with humor to be fairly enjoyable. Dare she say she even liked him; though she was sure his point-blank refusal to acknowledge her heritage colored her opinion of him. "It is of no consequence at this point," he would comment if it was brought up, and would allow no more to be said on the matter. It made her feel significant, valued on her own merits and skills, and having him around quickly became natural. He made it easier to not be alone and to relax, and for only a breath she nearly considered letting him witness her monthly human transformation. They were, after all, friends and allies...but...
'Too soon, you still don't know him that well; don't know if you can trust him with that.'
Still, she found herself quite keenly longing for that complete acceptance his gentle smile seemed to offer so freely; and she wondered what it would be like to even one person she didn't have to hide from.
She could say with confidence that through everything they'd experienced together in the usurpation up to now, she could truly find only one thing about him that displeased her; he was too docile. The flames and passion that still burned in her blood and in her very nature demanded equal reciprocation, but Yoichi seemed pleased enough with a calm and simple accord in their discussions, avoiding conflict whenever he could.
Sometimes he seemed just plain apathetic, and his minor humor did not allow for her infrequent bouts of playfulness. She liked him, she really did, and he seemed to like her as well, but something fundamental was missing; something primal and vicious...something...cold...
She shuddered at the formless desire that crept through her veins and itched at the edges of her claws, trying to ignore the way her very core thrummed to the hollow echo of a youki long gone.
Sesshoumaru hummed to himself contemplatively as Myouga finished his recounting of the more recent events in the southern mountains. The relative calm that had followed Kintsuke's final battle years ago had persisted for some time now, at least in her territory, and Sesshoumaru's own business was currently well in hand. His inner demon clawed at his walls now, howling that these years, although mere moments to him, had been far too long to make himself wait for something as simple as a conversation, and were more than sufficient time to allow the female to breathe as she desired.
He found himself agreeing once more, it was time to push to the south.
Directing Jaken to care for A-Un in his absence, Sesshoumaru rippled smoothly into his true form and rose to glide along the frozen sky. He took a moment to visit Rin as he still did nearly twice a year; resisting the urge to turn his nose up at the things his bastard brother and his miko wench had spawned before beginning his journey.
It was easy enough to find Mount Hachioka, though a bit more difficult to acquire the information he needed to locate the female. The demons here were skittish and un-trusting, and while he could consider it would only be natural after the events of the past decade and a half, it still irritated him. To his surprise, he found the demons that had taken control around the mountain all but fell silent when they realized who it was he sought.
Their reactions made him certain they knew something of use but were unwilling to impart it. On one hand, it was displeasing that he was being denied; on the other, he could almost say he might be impressed. Either due to fear or loyalty, none seemed willing to point this Sesshoumaru in the direction of his quarry; and he soon found himself confronted by the master of the territory. Sesshoumaru was less than impressed by the male's wiry frame and near-permanent sneer.
"Who the hell are you and what do you want?"
Sesshoumaru's brow twitched slightly.
"I am searching out a female half-demon who is skilled with fire. If you will point me in the correct direction, I will ignore your offensive manner."
The male snorted, arms crossing.
"Am I supposed to be frightened by that? Find her yourself, or does your nose not work, mongrel?"
Sesshoumaru's demon purred with pleasure, then growled with disappointment as Sesshoumaru lunged forth quicker than the other male could react, wrapping his long fingers around the male's throat and pinning him to the ground. His demon wanted blood, wanted to hear screams and watch this hooligan suffer, but that would not get him what he wanted this time.
"Would you like to try again?" Sesshoumaru nearly coo'd, lip curling into a wretchedly calm smile.
The male choked and clawed at the thumb that threatened to crush his windpipe, eyes rolling back involuntarily before he finally relented and Sesshoumaru released his hold, chilled golden eyes narrowed down at the gasping form at his feet.
"Further south," the male managed to cough out, "in the mountains."
Sesshoumaru blinked, making a note on his mental map before turning away without another word and strolling leisurely on toward his next destination.
'A hunt, is it, then?'
In lieu of the passed-up kill, his inner predator was satisfied with this.

The Long Road to Freedom 2: Fire on the Water
FanfictionSequel to 'The Long Road to Freedom: The Dastardly Prince.' Note: This story is many years old, but I have decided to share it unrevised. When a demoness from the mainland starts causing trouble in Kuroihi's territory, she begins a harrowing journey...