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        Sesshoumaru was not idle as he waited for Kintsuke to handle her affairs. Her territory was small by his standards, comprised only of a trio of peaks and the lands surrounding their bases; the rest of the range belonged to that male thing. He examined the other territories, defining borders and noting the scents of their masters for future reference; though with any luck, his interactions with these weaker demons would be minimal.

He'd watched Kintsuke leave towards the lake with the male and return to her mountain with another female in tow, disappearing deep into the thick forests on the eastern side of the center mountain. Slowly, the sun had set and risen again and another day wore on. He continued to examine, to keep watch, but as the sun began to set once more, he grew restless. She was making him wait, exactly the thing he had requested she not do. Did she think him aimless, without business of his own?

'Is she testing this Sesshoumaru?'

The thought both irritated and amused him.

The sun had nearly disappeared by the time she finally made herself known again, leaping effortlessly and alone to settle on a cliff about half-way up her central peak. There, he saw her search the skies, for him no doubt; and Sesshoumaru scrutinized the area thoroughly to ensure that male thing was nowhere to be found before alighting down to join her.


Kintsuke watched the full moon rise, pale and muted in the lingering light of day. She felt Sesshoumaru arrive, landing behind her at a polite distance and she was thankful for it. Her inner demon was instantly on edge again, and she ensured it was well under control before she finally turned to face him.

He was already watching her and met her gaze immediately. Something was...different. Her usual fire was lessened somehow, and the sharpness was gone from her yellow jade eyes. He felt her hesitation along with her intention to speak, and so remained silent. He was curious to hear what she had to say. This time, she did not make him wait long.

She licked her lips and cast her eyes to the side, knowing she risked losing her nerve if she continued to watch him.

"I will endeavor to waste as little of your time as possible; all I ask is that you are equally frank with me."

She waited for his slight nod of understanding before continuing.

"This cannot continue, Sesshoumaru. No, let me clarify, I will not allow it to continue; this vagueness, these unspoken intentions and hidden meanings. I have a life here and a home. I have allies and creatures I've sworn to protect. Whatever your plans for this province, I am affected, as are my 'people', if you will allow them to be referenced in such a manner. I would know what it is you want here."

Sesshoumaru closed his eyes, considered her words and all their implications carefully as the silence fell heavily between them. The wind shifted, tugging his mokomoko around, but she was too far from him and it fell, instead, around his own feet. He felt a slight unease as he concluded that he would need to speak even those things which he himself had not yet accepted; but for his ends to be met, for his future, for his very destiny, it was required. Whether either of them consented to it or not, Kintsuke was entwined with that destiny.

"You will have to be more specific in your questioning." He said smoothly, tucking his arms into his sleeves.

"What are your intentions for the southern province?"

"It will, eventually, become part of my empire along with the rest."

"And the residents?"

The Long Road to Freedom 2: Fire on the WaterWhere stories live. Discover now