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No one's POV
Y/N woke up and got ready for school like any other day. Rinne would occasionally wait for him outside his front door and walk to school with him. Y/N was developing feelings for her and so was Rinne. After school, Y/N asked if he could hang out with Rinne again.
Y/N: Hey Rinne are you free tomorrow?
Rinne: I have no plans, why?
Y/N: I was wondering if you would like to hang out tomorrow.
Rinne: Sure- what time do you want to meet?
Y/N: Is 4 PM tomorrow alright?
Rinne: Sounds good.
*The next day*
Y/N got up and did his daily routine. After that he sat down and watched anime to pass the time. There was also a new season releasing today.
*Timeskip* Y/N's POV
Y/N: Eheheh now kiss.
*the doorbell is rung*
Y/N: Ah! I forgot! Just a second!
I quickly got dressed and went outside.
Rinne: Hey Y/N, your hair is a bit messy.
She fixes my hair
Y/N: Eheh sorry- there was this new anime season.
Rinne: Right.. Anyways where do you want to go?
Y/N: There's this restaurant I wanted to try out that has pretty good reviews.
Rinne: Alright, let's go!
We checked in at a restaurant and sat down where the waitress took us.
Waitress: What can I get for the both of you today?
Rinne: *looks at the menu* I'd like miso ramen please.
Y/N: I'll have (Favorite ramen)
Waitress: Coming right up!
We gave the waitress our menus and waited for our food.
Y/N: Soo what do you think of this restaurant?
Rinne: It's nice, thank you for taking me here Y/N.
Y/N: *Smiles* it's no problem.
The waitress came back and gave us a cup of water
Rinne & Y/N: Arigato.
The waitress bows and leaves to take care of another table
Rinne: Y/N is there something wrong? You look like there's something bothering you.
Y/N: Huh? O-oh no sorry I kind of zoned out for a bit.
She wore a concerned look on her face
Rinne: If there is something bothering you - you could always talk to me about it.
Y/N: Don't worry it's nothing and thanks.
The waitress came back with our food
Waitress: Here is your miso ramen and f/r (favorite ramen)
Y/N and Rinne: Arigato gozaimashita
The waitress smiles then leaves
Rinne: Sugoi! This looks really good!
Y/N: *nods* no wonder this place has good reviews.
We both clasped our hands together
Rinne & Y/N: Itadakimasu
We both dig in.
Rinne: Wow, this view is really nice isn't it?
Y/N: Yep *looks over railing* no one comes up here too so it's pretty peaceful.
Rinne: I really enjoyed going on a date.
Y/N: U-uh yeah I guess you could call this a date.
Rinne: What would you call it?
Y/N: A... I don't know.
Rinne: A date it is then. Anyways we should call this a day, it's getting kind of late.
Y/N: Yeah um Rinne, I have to tell you something
*nervousness in voice*
Rinne: Huh? Where's this coming from?
Y/N: Ever since we went out together, I began to have feelings for you.
Rinne: *blushes* Wh-what are you saying all of a sudden?
Ratatoskr: (Happiness meter is climbing!)
Y/N: What I'm saying is *in mind* "ah screw it!" I like you.
Rinne: *still blushing* Y/N...
Y/N: Do you feel the same way?
Rinne: Baka... Yes- yes I feel the same! I have always liked you ever since we went to that festival together!
Y/N: Rinne...
Both of our faces grew closer and closer until our lips touched and we both shared a passionate kiss. After a while, we both break away from the kiss.
Y/N: So that's what a kiss feels like..
I looked at Rinne and notice she's fully naked and she notices it as well.
Y/N: AH! I can explain! Actually I can't explain please don't kill me!!
Rinne: *giggles* I don't mind you seeing me like this.
???: Well done Y/N, you sealed a spirit.
Y/N: Wait isn't that the voice of Kotor- KOTORI YOU'RE HERE?! *looks around*
Kotori: No I'm communicating through your phone silly.
Y/N: Eh?! *pulls phone out from pocket* Was I on the phone this entire time?!
Kotori: No time to explain get close to Rinne we'll teleport you up here.
Y/N: Up whe-
Suddenly a bright light appears around us and we end up in some kind of place. A woman who looks like she hasn't slept in days then shows up holding a towel
???: You'll catch a cold if you don't wear something *wraps towel around Rinne*
Rinne: Ah thank you.
Y/N: Wait I'm confused who are you?
???: My name is Reine Murasame, I am the Head Analyst in Ratatoskr.
Y/N: Ratatoskr?
Reine: Correct, it's an organization meant to save spirits such as Rinne instead of killing them to stop spacequakes from happening.
Y/N: Saving spirits? So wait Rinne is a spirit?
Rinne: eheh yeah I'm sorry I kept it a secret. Do you hate me now?
Y/N: No absolutely not, I could never hate you.
Kotori: Well well well.
Kotori walks into the room
Y/N: Kotori?
Kotori: I'll explain the rest from here but first here's some clothes for you to wear Rinne *hands her clothes*
Rinne: Thanks.
Rinne takes the clothes
Rinne: Um excuse me for a bit?
Reine: Follow me.
Reine leads Rinne outside of the room. After the air is cleared and Rinne is all dressed, Y/N and Rinne hug each other.
Rinne: I'm glad to have met you Y/N, I really am.
Y/N: *smiles* I'm glad to have met you too Rinne.

A/N: Aha no disappearing Rinne today! Anyways I hope you enjoyed this book, I really enjoyed writing it. Should I make a special chapter or no?

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